Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/226

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176 COMPLETE PEERAGE antrim da. of Arthur (Annesley), ist Earl of Anglesey, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir James Altham. She d. s.p., 4 Sep. 1672, and was bur. in St. John's Church, Dublin. He »j., indly, Helena, 3rd da. of Sir John Burke, of Derrymaclaughna, co. Galway, by Mary, ist da. and coh. of Richard (Burke), 6th Earl of Clanrickard [I.]. He was bur. at Holy- well, CO. Flint, II June 1699, aged 84. His widow d. in Dublin, 7, and was bur. 9 Oct. 17 10, at Christ Church there. IV. 1699. 4. Randal (Mac Donnell), Earl of Antrim, &fc. [I.], only s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 1680. (^) He m. Rachael, ist da. of Clotworthy (Skeffington), 3rd Viscount Masse- reene [I.], by Rachael, da. of Sir Edward Hungerford, K.B. He d. 19 Oct. 1 72 1, and was bur. at Christ Church, Dublin. His widow m. Robert Hawkins-Magill, of Gill Hall, co. Down, and d. 14 Apr. 1739. V. 1721. 5. Alexander (Mac Donnell), Earl OF Antrim, ^c. [I.], only s. and h., b. 22 July 1713. Being a Protestant, he took his seat in the House, 17 Oct. 1733. P.C. and Governor of co. Antrim. He w., istly, 10 Apr. 1735, Elizabeth, C") da. of Matthew Pennefather, Comptroller and Accountant Gen. of Ireland, by Catharine, da. of Sir Randal Beresford, 2nd Bart. [I.]. She d. s.p.s., 18, and was bur. 22 Mar. 1736/7, at Christ Church, Dublin, in her 25th year. He m., 2ndly, 2 Jan. 1739, Anne, ist da. and coh. of Charles Patrick Plunkett, of Dillonstown, co. Louth, (s. of Matthew, 7th Lord Louth [I.]), by Elizabeth, sister of John (Stratford), ist Earl of Aldborough [I.], and da. of Edward Stratford, of Belan, co. Kildare. She d. at Glenarm, 15 Jan, 1755, and was bur. at Bonamargy. He m., 3rdly, 5 July 1755, Catharine, widow of James Taylor (who d. 1747), yst da. of Thomas Meredyth, of Newtown, co. Meath, by Catharine, da. of ( — ) Baldwin. He ^.13 Oct. 1775, and was bur. at Ballycastle, co. Antrim, aged 62. His widow was bur. 27 Sep. 1794, in St. Patrick's, Dublin. Will pr. 1794. VI. 1775 ^ ^"<^ "• Randal William (Mac Donnell), to Earl of Antrim and Viscount Dunluce, [I.], 1 79 1. only s. and h. by 2nd wife, ^. 4 Nov. 1749. M.P. FART nOM n 1 ^^^ °' Antrim, i768-75;() Sheriff of co. Antrim, I- ■-' as Viscount Dunluce, 1 77 1. Took his seat in the VI. 1785. House 13 Mar. 1776. K.B. 5 May 1779. On (*) A letter of Alice Hatton, describing a ball to her father, Viscount Hatton, which, though undated, can be fixed at about 7 Sep. 1696, says : — " The best of the men was Lord Antrim, Lord Anglesey and Lord Essex. But my lord Antrim has cut off his hair and got one of the new fashioned perukes, which have so much hair in them that a good one cant cost less than ;^6o, and that monstrous bigness with his little face did not look so well. " At this date Lord Antrim was over 80, and not likely to be the best man at a ball, so she must mean his s. and successor. V.G. C) A celebrated beauty. V.G. f^) Sir John Blaquiere writes of him then as " an idle, unsteady young man, not to be depended upon. " V.G.