Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/240

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I90 COMPLETE PEERAGE arden By privy seal, 28 June, and writ 30 Oct. 1665, William Brabazon, s. and h. ap. of Edward, 2nd Earl of Meath [I.], was sum. v.p.^ (") to the House of Lords [I.] in his father's Barony as Lord Brabazon of Ardee [L]. On 25 Mar. 1675, ^e sue. his said father as Earl of Meath fsPc. [L]. By writ 9 Mar. 1714/5, Chaworth Brabazon, s. and h. ap. of Chambre, 5th Earl of Meath [I.], was sum. v.p.,(^) to the House of Lords [L] in his father's Barony as Lord Brabazon of Ardee [L]. On i Apr. 171 5, he sue. his said father as Earl of Meath ^c. [L]. ARDELVE i.e. "Ardelve, co. Wicklow," Barony [L] {Maekenzie), er. 1766 with the ViscouNTCY OF FoRTROSE [L], see " Seaforth," Earldom [I.], cr. 1771 ; all honours becoming extinct 1781. ARDEN AND ARDEN OF LOHORT BARONY [L] I. Catharine, 3rd da. of the Hon. Charles Compton . (by Mary, da. and h. of Sir Berkeley Lucy, Bart.), and ■ sister of Charles and Spencer, 7th and 8th Earls of Northampton, was b. 4 June 1731, at Quinta, near Lisbon. She m. (as his 2nd wife), 26 Jan. 1756, (") at Charlton, Kent, John (Perceval), 2nd Earl of Egmont [I.]. On 23 May 1770, she was cr. BARONESS ARDEN of Lohort Castle, co. Cork [I.], with rem. of the Baron/ to the heirs male of her body. Her husband d. 20 Dec. 1770. She d. at Langley, Bucks, II, and was bur. 21 June 1784, at Charlton. (For fuller account see " Egmont, " Earldom of [I.], under the 2nd Earl.) n. 1784. 2 and I. Charles George (Perceval), Baron Arden RARONY rilKT t^'^' ^' ^^'^ ^" °^ ^'^ mother, b. at Charlton, Kent, ■- ■ '-^ I, and bap. there 4 Oct. 1756. Ed. at Trin. Coll. L 1802. Cambridge. M.A. 1777. Took his seat in the House [I.] 8 Feb. 1787. He was M.P. (Tory) for Laun- ceston 1780-90; for Warwick, 1790-96, and forTotnes 1796-1802. Lord of the Admiralty, 1783-1801 ; F.R.S. 19 Feb. 1786; Registrar of the Court of Admiralty, 1 790-1 840; P.C. 20 Feb. 1801; Master of the Mint 1801-2 ; Commissioner of the India Board 1801-3 ; a Lord of the Bed- chamber 1804-12 ; Lord Lieut, of Surrey 1830-40. On 28 July 1802, he was cr. BARON ARDEN of Arden, co. Warwick [U.K.]. He w., 1 Mar. is not an English Barony {i.e. one capable of being cr. by writ), but an Irish Barony, where the writ is merely incidental to, and not creative of, the Peerage. See Appendix A at the end of this volume. (") See ante, p. 2 note " c " for a list of eldest sons of peers' [I.], being in all only nine, so sum. v.p. C") This marriage and the issue therefrom, as in the Family Bible, are set forth in Crisp's Frag. Gen., vol. iv, pp. 73-75.