Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/241

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ARDENERiE COMPLETE PEERAGE 191 1787, C) at Charlton, Kent, Margaretta Elizabeth, ist da. of Gen. Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson, 6th Bart., by Jane, da. of John Badger-Weller, of Charlton afsd. He d. in St. James's Place, 5, and was bur. 1 1 July 1 840, at Charlton, aged 83. f) Will dat. 3 Mar. 1826 to 27 Apr. 1840, pr. 1 8 Sep. 1 840, under ;/,'8oo,ooo. His widow, who was b. 4 and bap. 24 Apr. 1768, at St. Margaret's, Westm., d. at York House, near Guildford, 20, and was bur. 28 May 185 i, at Charlton afsd., aged 82. Will dat. 6 Jan. 1846, pr. 7 Nov. 1 85 1. BARONY, fcfc. [I.] III. BARONY [U.K.] II. ► 1840. 3 and 2. George James (Perceval), Baron Arden [I.], and Baron Arden [U.K.], 3rd, but 1st surv. s. and h., (") who, on 23 Dec. 1841, sue. his cousin as Earl of Egmont, &c. [I.] and Baron LovELL AND HoLLAND [G.B.]. See " Eg- mont, " Earldom [I.], under the 6th Earl. ARDENERIE BARONY [I.] I. Sir John Bourke, otherwise De Burgo, C^) "the Mac J „ Q fVilliatn Oughter, " known as " Johannes Magnus, " was y ^ ' s. and h. of Oliver Bourke, of Tyrawley, Ardenerie, C) £jfc., CO. Mayo, by( — )da. of( — )0'Donnell. On 14 June 1570, he defended that county against the encroachments of Fitton, President of Connaught. He was knighted at Athlone, Apr. 1576 ; and in 1577 was Sheriff of co. Mayo; being, in May 1580,0 cr. BARON OF ARDENERIE [I.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body. He d. 24 Nov. 1580. II. Nov. 1580 2. William Bourke, only legit, s. and h., (^) b. pro- to bably in or before 1560, was sent in July 1579 by Sir 1 59 1. Nicholas Malby, President of Connaught, to Sir Francis Walsingham, with whom he remained 2 or 3 years, and C) See previous p., note " b. " C") His next yr. br., the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval {b. i Nov. 1762, in North Audley Str.), was ist Lord of the Treasury, and was assassinated in the House of Commons, 11 May 1 8x2. V.G. (°) His 1st br., Charles Thomas, d. an infant, 11 Feb. 1793, at the Admiralty. His 2nd br., John, m., in 1816, Elizabeth Anne, ist da. of Robert, 6th Earl of Car- digan, and d. s.p. and v.p. 1 5 Mar. 1 8 1 8, at Madeira. V.G. C) Some account of this branch of the Bourke family is in Lodge, vol. iv, p. 288, iub Mayo. C) This is evidently Ardnaree, co. Sligo, on the border of Mayo ; it is now a suburb of Ballina, the largest town in Mayo. The river Moy separates the places, and is the boundary of the two counties. (G.D.Burtchaell to V.G., Oct. 1909.) Pat. Roll, 21 Eliz. no. 11 76, p. 2, m. 2 (44), as quoted in Creations, 1483- 1646, in App., 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records. His arms as Baron Ardenerie are recorded in Ulster's Office. (*) He had no less than 7 bastard brothers, of whom David Bourke, h. about