Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/258

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2o8 COMPLETE PEERAGE argyll dat. 3 Dec. 1741, pr. 31 Oct. 1743. His widow, by whom he had five daughters, (") d. aged 84, in Bruton Str., 16, and was bur. 23 Apr. 1767, with her husband. Will dat. 31 Dec. 1750, pr. 24 Apr. 1767. DUKEDOM [S.] III. EARLDOM [S.] XII. 3 and 12. Archibald (Campbell), Duke OF Argyll, fffc. [S.], br. and h. male, b. at Ham House, Surrey (the seat of the Countess ' ■- of Dysart [S.], his maternal grandmother) June 1682. Ed. at Eton, and Glasgow Univ., and at Utrecht. Gov. ofDunbarton Castle in the reign of Anne. A Lord of the Treasury [S.] 1705-06. One of the Commissioners for the treaty of the Union of Scotland with England. On 19 Oct. 1706, he was cr. EARL AND VISCOUNT OF ILAY, Q) LORD ORANSAY, DUNOON AND ARASE [S.]. He was a Rep. Peer [S.] 1707-13, and again 17 15-61. An extraordinary Lord of Session 1708 till his death ; Lord Justice Gen. [S.], 1710 for life. P.C. 13 Dec. 171 1. He was a great promoter of the succession of the House of Hanover, and was Lord Cleric Register, Aug. 1 7 14 to July 17 1 6. He fought and was wounded at Sheriffmuir. Lord Lieut, of Midlothian from 1715, and of co. Haddington from 1737, till his death. Privy Seal [S.], 1721-33 ; Keeper of the Great Seal [S.], 1733-61, being a steadfast supporter of Walpole's administration. Under the Juris- diction Act of 1747, four years after he had sue. to the Dukedom, he was allowed ;^2 1,000 for the hereditary offices of Justiciary of Argyllshire and the Isles, the Sheriffship of Argyll, and the Regality of Campbell. (") Trustee of the Brit. Museum 1753 till his death. He collected a large library, and was the builder of the Castle of Inveraray. He m. (Lie. Fac. Off., 19 Jan. ijilj^) Anne, da. of Major Walter Whitfield, M.P. for Romney, and Paymaster of Marines. She d. s.p., in Kensington, i, and was bur. 7 Sep. 1723, as "Lady Iley, " at Kensington. He d. sud- denly, s.p. legit., in London, 15 Apr. 1761, in his 79th year. C^) Will, women. " She also speaks of his taking " pleasure in wit, poetry and the Mies lettres. " Sir Walter Scott gives a very favourable presentment of his character in The Heart of Midlothian. V.G. (") Caroline, his eldest da. and coh., wife of the Hon. Charles Townshend, was fr., 19 Aug. 1767, Baroness Greenwich, which dignity became extinct at her death. (") A very interesting letter from the Earl of Mar, dat. 29 Oct. 1706, states that the title originally selected for the Earldom and Viscountcy, was Dundee, and describes the natural indignation of the Earl of Montrose that a title borne by the most distinguished cadet of his house should pass to a Campbell. It further details the great difficulty experienced in persuading the Duke of Argyll to agree to his brother's title being changed. {Hist. MSS. Com., Mar MSS., pp. 303-4.) V.G. (') See ante, p. 204, note " e. " (*) He appears to have been very profligate, but is described, by Lady Louisa Stuart, as of " strong clear sense, sound judgment, and thorough knowledge of man- kind Cool, shrewd, penetrating, argumentative, an able man of business, and a wary if not crafty politician .... interested in philosophical experiments, mechanics and natural history. " He " was slovenly in his person, mysterious, not to