Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/259

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ARGYLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 209 leaving his English property to Mrs. Ann Williams, otherwise Shireburn, who had been his mistress, dat. 14 Aug. 1760, pr. May I76i.() At his death the Earldom and Viscountcy of Ilay, and the other Scottish honours cr. therewith in 1706, became extinct. DUKEDOM [S.] IV. EARLDOM [S.] XIII. 1761. 9th Earl, by his ist wife. 4. and 13. John (Campbell), Duke of Argyll, &c., [S.], ist cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of the Hon. John Campbell, (who d. 7 Apr. 1729) of Mamore, by Eliza- beth (who d. 13 Apr. 1758), ist da. of John, (Elphinstone), 8th Lord Elphinstone [S.], which John Campbell was 2nd s. of Archibald, He was b. about 1693, and was a Lieut. Col. as early as 17 12 ; Col. of the 39th Foot, 1737-38 ; Col. of the 21st Foot 1738-52 ; Col. of the North British Dragoons (now Scots Greys) 1752-70. Brig. Gen. 1743 ; Major Gen. 1744 ; Lieut. Gen. 1747 ; Gen. 1765. He distinguished himself in the wars in Flanders, and at the battle of Dettingen in 1 74 1. Groom of the Bedchamber 1727-60. M.P. (Whig) for co. Bute 1 7 13- 15, for Elgin burghs 1715-22 and 1725-27, and for co. Dunbarton in six parliaments, 1727-61. Governor of Limerick 1761-70. In 1 76 1 he sue. his cousin in the Dukedom as h. male of the grantee under the spec. lim. in the patent. Rep. Peer [S.] 1761-70. P.C. 2 Jan. 1762. K.T. 7 Aug. 1765. He m., 1720, Mary (") (formerly Maid of Honour to the Princess of Wales), 3rd da. of John (Kerr, afterwards Bellenden), 2nd Lord Bellenden [S.J, by Mar)', Dowager Countess Dalhousie [S.], 2nd da. of Henry (Moore), ist Earl of Drogheda [I.]. She was celebrated for her wit and beauty, and obtained the post of Keeper of the Palace of Somerset House, in the Strand. She <^. 18, and was bur. 23 Dec. 1736, at St. Anne's, Soho, "with unusual honours." He d. in London, 9 Nov. 1770, in his 77th year. Will pr. Nov. 1770. DUKEDOM [S.] V. EARLDOM [S.] XIV. 1770. 5 and 14. John (Campbell) Duke of Argyll, i^c. [S.], s. and h., bap. June 1723. Was Lieut. Col. as early as 1745 ; Aide-de- camp to the King, 17SS~59 > Col. of the 56th (afterwards 54th) Foot 1755-57; Col. 14th Dragoons ^ISl'^S > C^"- °f *^he ist Foot (Royal Regt.) 1765-82 ; Col. of the 3rd Regt. say with an air of guilt, in his deportment, slow, steady, where suppleness did not better answer his purpose, revengeful, and, if artful, at least, not ingratiating. He loved power too well to hazard it by ostentation, and money so little, that he neither spared it to gain friends or to serve them. " (Horace Walpole, George II, vol. i, p. 276). "A man of parts, quickness, knowledge, temper, dexterity and judgment, a man of little truth, little honour, little principle, and no attachment but to his interest. " (Lord Hervey, Memoirs, vol. i, p. 334.) V.G. (") See account of this will and of the legatees therein in Doug/as, vol. i, p. 115. () The Poet Gay calls her " smiling Mary, soft and fair as dawn. " Horace 28