Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/270

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220 COMPLETE PEERAGE arran James II, and sister of the reigning monarch (then a minor) James III. The island of Arran, within the Sheriffdom of Bute, was given as her dower, and by charter, 26 Apr. 1467, he was cr. EARL OF ARRAN [S.], and sat in Pari, as such 1 6 Oct. following. He proceeded to Den- mark in 1469 to escort Margaret of Denmark to Scotland for her espousal to James III, but, during his absence, that King had become alienated from him, and he had to fly his country, and was attainted 22 Nov. 1469, as also were his father, and his uncle. Sir Alexander. He was in England at a later date, and is said to have ^., about 1473, at Antwerp. M.I. (*) His wife, who was b. about 1450, m., 2ndly (she being still under 21, and her new husband about 70), in 1468, as his 2nd wife, by the King's wish, (" although her husband Thomas Boyd was neither dead nor divorced from her ") C") James (Hamilton), ist Lord Hamilton [S.], who d. 12 Nov. 1479, ^""i whose s. by her was cr.y in 1503, Earl of Arran [S.] as below. She d. about May 1488. II. 1503. I. James (Hamilton), Lord Hamilton [S.], s. and h. of James, Lord Hamilton [S.], by his 2nd wife, Mary, previously wife of Thos. Boyd, Earl of Arran [S.] abovenamed, and da. of James II. He sue. his father 12 Nov. 1479, being then about four years old. In 1502 he was sent to Denmark to aid in a naval expedition against Sweden. He was P.C. in 1 503, when he was sent to conclude a marriage between James IV and Margaret, da. of Henry VII; after which, by charter, 11 Aug. 1503, he was cr. EARL OF ARRAN [S.], his cousinship to the King being therein recited. (") In 1513, before Flodden, he was in command of a Scottish fleet against England, but effected nothing. On the death of the King at Flodden, he yielded his claim to be appointed Regent, to Albany, by whom he was, in 1517, made one of the Lords of Regency. He commanded the army for the King against Lennox (") James Boyd, his only s. and h., was restored to the estates of the family on 14 Oct. 1482. He appears to have been recognized as Lord Boyd in 1482, though not as Earl of Arran, but d. young and unm. in 1484, leaving Margaret, his only sister and h., who ;n., istly, Alexander (Forbes), 4th Lord Forbes [S.], and 2ndly, David (Kennedy), 1st Earl of Cassillis [S.]. She was living 1516, but d. s.p. C") Gordon, Hist, of Sutherland, p. 76. The Diet, of Nat. Biog. gives the account, usual in peerages, that his zvidow m. Lord Hamilton in 1474. Scots Peerage also discredits the earlier date, and considers that she m. about 1473/4. V.G. C") The original limitation was to heirs male of the body of the grantee, but possibly it was altered on 13 Jan. 1512/3, when the limitation of the lands and Baronies of Hamilton, Machanshire, is'c, was extended to several of his bastard sons and the heirs male of their bodies, with rem. to others therein specially named ; with a final rem. to the nearest h. male whosoever of the grantee bearing the name and arms of Hamilton. Four days afterwards three of these bastard sons were legitimated on the ground that the Earl " had no heirs of his body lawfully procreated to succeed to him in his inheritance, and in consideration of his propinquity to the King, is'c. " See also another charter granted, 1540, to the 2nd Earl.