Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/271

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ARRAN COMPLETE PEERAGE 221 at Linlithgow, 4 Sep. 1526. He m., istly, C') shortly before 28 Apr. 1490, when he was aged about 15, and she about 13, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Thomas Hay (s. and h. ap. of Lord Hay of Tester), da. of Alexander (Home), 2nd Lord Home, by his 2nd wife, Nichola, da. and h. of George Ker, of Samuelstown. () From her he obtained a divorce in the Eccles. Court, Glasgow, 16 Nov. 1504, on the ground that her ist husband. Sir Thomas Hay, though then dead, had been alive (though supposed to be dead) at the time of her 2nd marriage. (") He m., 2ndly, between 1 1 and 23 Nov. 1 5 1 6, Janet, widow of Sir Robert Livingston, of Easter Weemyss, da. of Sir David Beaton, of Creich, Comptroller of Scotland. She d. about 1522. He d. between 26 Mar. and 21 July 1529, at his place of Kinneil. Will dat. 26 Mar. 1529. in. 1529. 2. James (Hamilton), Earl of Arran, fe'c. [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife. He accompanied James V into France in 1 536. On 1 5 Sep. 1 540, he had a new charter of the Earldom of Arran, ^fc. [S.], to him and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to his br. and other persons of the name of Hamilton, in like manner, successively, whom failing, to his nearest heirs bearing the arms and name of Hamilton. On the death of the King in 1542, he was chosen Regent of Scotland, and, on 13 Mar. 1542/3, was declared Second person of that realm and HEIR presumptive OF THE Crown. As Regent he tried to trim between the two parties, but ultimately favoured the Reformers. In June 1548, when the Queen was sent to France, he was made, in that Kingdom, a Knight of the Order of St. Michael, and on 8 Feb. 1548/9 received from Henry II of France the grant of the Duchy of Chatellerault, in Poitou, by reason of which he is supposed, by some, to have acquired a hereditary French title, (^) as DUC DE CHATELLERAULT. In 1554 he re- signed the Regency to the Queen-mother. He opposed the match of the Queen with Darnley, and consequently had to leave the Kingdom 1565-69, but he returned to oppose the Regency of Moray and Lennox, though finally he submitted to the Regent Morton, 23 Feb. 1 572/3. He m., shortly before 23 Sep. 1532, Margaret, ist da. of James (Douglas), Earl of Morton [S.], by Catharine, illegit. da. of James IV. He d. 22 Jan. i SlMSy C) He is usually, but wrongly, said to have m.y istly, Beatrice, da. of John (Drummond), ist Lord Drummond [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of Alexander (Lindsay), Earl of Crawford, but she was his mistress, and by her he had a da., Margaret, who m. Andrew (Stewart), Lord Ochiltree. V.G. (*) She is, in Wood's Douglas, erroneously said to be sister (not da.) of this lord; but for proof that she was sister to Marion, Countess of Crawford [S.], to George Lord Home [S.], to John Home, the Abbot, ^c, see Hist. MSS. Com., 12th Rep., App., part viii, pp. 157 (240-242) and 161 (255). V.G. C^) There seems to have been some doubt as to the validity of this divorce, pos- sibly because the ist marriage was never consummated. The decree was, however, confirmed 11 Mar. 1509/10. She (f. in 1544. V.G. C) The matter of the Dukedom of Chatellerault is fully discussed in Appendix B at the end of this volume.