Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/289

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ARUNDEL COMPLETE PEERAGE 239 youth, " 7 May 1243, (*) and was bur. with his ancestors at Wymondham Priory. On his death the large estates of the family were divided between his four sisters C) and coheirs, or their issue, while the Earldom of Sussex reverted to the Crown. His widow (") survived him nearly forty years, during which long period the family of Fitz Alan, though in possession of the Castle of Arundel, never assumed the title o/Earl of Arundel. She d. before 23 Nov. 1282, and was bur. at Marham, Nortolk, in the conventual church which she had founded. IX. 1243. 6 .? John Fitz Alan, feudal Lord of Clun and Oswestry, Salop, s. and h. of John Fitz Alan of the same, by his ist wife, Isabel, 2nd sister and, in her issue, coh. of Hugh, and da. of William (d'Aubigny), Earls of Sussex, tsPc, abovenamed, sue. his father (whom his mother had predeceased) in 1240. To him, by writ dat. 27 Nov. 1243, was awarded (in right of his deceased mother) the Castle and Honour of Arundel, whereby (according to the admis- sion () of 1433 abovenamed) he must be regarded as de jure Earl of Arundel. He obtained possession, 26 May 1244, of his paternal estates in Salop on payment of ;(.iooo. By the title, however, ot Earl of Arundel he never appears to have been known (either in his lifetime or afterwards), although he lived 24 years after the acquisition of that Castle and Honour. In an award dat. Friday after the Circumcision 1258, he is expressly called Dominus de Arundel {i.e. Lord of the Honour of Arundel), and in the Fine Roll, 10 Mar. 1261/2, he is called Baro noster, while in his Inq. p. m. he is described (merely) as Johannes filius yilani, and the endorsement says that he held a quarter of the Earldom of Arundel. He took part in the Welsh war 1258, and, though some- times leagued with the Barons against the Crown, was, while fighting on the Royal side, taken prisoner at the battle of Lewes, in 1264, together with the King. He m. Maud, da. of Theobald le Botiller, [2nd Baron Butler [I.]], by his 2nd wife, Rohese, (") da. of Nicholas de C) On 10 May 1243, ^^^ Sherifis of 11 counties were ordered to take into the King's hand the lands which were of " H. de Albin' Cotnitis Arundell'. " {Fine Roll, 27 Hen. Ill, m. 4). {ex inform. G.VV.Watson.) V.G. (") " Of the lands late of Hugh, Earl of Arundel, the King has assigned to Robert de Tateshall, s. of Robert de T., the eldest born of the heirs of the said Earl, the casde and manor of Buckenham [Norfolk] ; to John, s. of John Fitzalan, the castle and manor of Arundel ; to Roger de Sumery, who espoused Nicholaa, sister and one of the heirs of the said Earl, the manor of Barrow [on Soar, co. Leicester] ; to Roger de Montaut, who espoused Cecily, 2nd sister and 4th heir of the said Earl, the castle and manor of Rising [Norfolk]. " {Pat. Roll, 27 Nov. 1243). V.G. C^) Her marriage was granted, 29 May 1 243, to Piers, son of the Count of Geneva, and the fine if she married anyone else. {Pat. Roll.) V.G. (*) See page 231, note " b. " {") For some discussion on medieval English names, see Appendix C at the end of volume iii.