Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/290

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240 COMPLETE PEERAGE arundel Verdun, of Alton, co. Stafford. (") He d. 1267, before 10 Nov. Will dat. Oct. 1267. His widow m. Richard d'Amundeville, and d. 27 Nov. 1283. He was living 1286/7. X. 1267. 7 } John Fitz Alan, feudal Lord of Clun and Oswestry, and (according to the admission () of 1433 abovenamed) Earl of Arundel, only s. and h., b. 14 Sep. 1246. He did homage for his estates 10 Dec. 1267. He, also (as Courthope remarks), though "22 years at his father's decease, was never known C^) as Earl of Arundel, and it is incredible that, if he had ever borne that title, as annexed to the Castle and Honour, the fact would have been omitted in the inquisition which finds him to have died seized (1272), 56 Hen. Ill, of that Castle and Honour held by the th fart of a Barony. " He m. Isabel, da. of Roger de Mortimer, of Wigmore, by Maud, da and coh. of William de Briouze, of Brecknock. He d. 18 Mar. 1271/2, (**) and was bur. in Haughmond Abbey, Salop. His widow ;»., before (1273) i Edw. I, Ralph d'Arderne, (living Apr. 1283) and m., 3rdly, 2 Sep. 1285, at Poling, Sussex, (privately) Robert DE Hastings, for which marriage, having omitted to obtain the Royal lie, she was fined ;^iooo. He was living June 1287. She was living in 1300. XI. 1272, 8 or I. Richard Fitz Alan, feudal Lord of Clun 1289, and Oswestry, and (according to the admission of or 1433 C) abovenamed) Earl of Arundel, only s. and h. 1291. He was b. 3 Feb. 1266/7, and ^^^ consequently only five years old at his father's death. He had seizin of his lands, 8 Dec. 1287. According to Glover (') he was cr. Earl of (") This Rohese's children bore her name of Verdun and not their father's of Butler. V.G. n See p. 231, note " b. " i^) These words must, Planch^ says, be qualified, and should run " never known during his lifetime, " as, in a patent of 35 Edw. I, in reference to Edmund Fitz Alan, s. of Richard, Earl of Arundel, we find the words sub nomine fohannis filii Alani, quondam Comitis Arundellie, antecessoris prefati Edmundi, which is certainly an acknowledgment, however late, that Edmund's grandfather, John Fitz Alan, was Earl of Arundel ; — yet in 8 Edw. I (i 280) (a few years only after the death of the said John) we find his widow Isabel, to whom the custody of the Castle and Honour of Arundel was committed, spoken of, not as the widow of the Earl of Arundel, but (merely) as ' que fuit uxor fohannis filii Alani. " C*) Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. Ill, file 42, no. 5. (') See p. 231, note " b. " (') " If Glover (a most careful and learned genealogist of the time of Elizabeth) has stated this upon good authority, which all who know his character will feel confident to be the case, it disproves Vincent's assertion that Richard Fitz Alan never had the county of Sussex. " (Planch^, Earls of Sussex.)