Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/309

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ARUNDEL COMPLETE PEERAGE 259 The Earldom of Arundel and the other honours entailed therewith by the Act. of Pari, of 1627, have been, since 1660, merged in the Dukedom of Norfolk ; the Duke of Norfolk in 1 660 and each of his successors being heir male of the body of Thomas (Howard), xxvith (21st or 14th), Earl of Arundel, on which class of heirs the first limitation is made. If, however, such heirs male were to become extinct, the Earldom of Arundel, &'c., would pass (under the next rem. in the entail of 1627) to the hews general of the body of the said Thomas (which are numerous), and would con- sequently become separated from the Dukedom of Norfolk, and could only become re-united therewith on the failure of such heirs general, when the subsequent limitation would take effect. ARUNDEL BARONY I. John d'ArundeLjC) yr. s. of Richard (Fitz Alan) BY WRIT. xivth (loth or 3rd) Earl of Arundel, by his 2nd wife, , Eleanor, da. of Henry, (") Earl of Lancaster, w., 17 Feb. ^ 1358/9, Eleanor, 2nd and yst. da. of Sir John Mau- travers, by Gwenthlian, his wife, which Eleanor was found granddaughter and coh. (she eventually was sole h.) of Sir John Mautravers [Lord Mautravers] on 16 Feb. 1364/5, at which date she was aged 19. In con- sequence, probably, of such marriage, he was sum. to Pari., from 4 Aug. (1377) I Ric. II to 20 Oct. (1379) 3 Ric. II by writs directed "Johanni de ArundeU " whereby he may be (") held to have become LORD ARUNDEL. ('^) He was Marshal of England in that same year, 1377, and also 9 Apr. 1378. Being in command of a naval expedition in aid of the Duke of Brittany, he defeated the French fleet off the coast of Cornwall, but was later, 15 or 16 Dec. 1379, (") wrecked and drowned in (*) The family of Fitz Alan, otherwise Arundel, afifords an instance of the name of the dignity being adopted as the surname. Sir John Arundel, knight, son and heir of Sir John Arundel, by Eleanor Mau- travers, seals in 1388 with a shield of Fitzalan quartering Mautravers. {ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. (*") As to his supposed name of ' Plantagenet, ' see p. 183. (°) This Barony of Arundel would probaby be held to be the same Barony as that of Mautravers, and the summons of 1377 to be one. jure uxoris, and consequently not one creating any new dignity. The s. and h. of the Baron (so sum. in 1377), ti. before his mother, Baroness Mautravers, and (consequently ?) was never sum. ; the grandson and h. of the Baroness became Earl of Arundel within six years after he came of age, and is said to have been sum. as an Earl the following year. Not- withstanding this, however, his s. and h. was sum. in 1429 {not as an Earl, but) as a Baron (and that too by the title of Lord Arundel, not Lord Mautravers), until his claim to the Earldom of Arundel was allowed (four years later) in 1433. If the Barony of Arundel be held to be a separate one from that of Mautravers, it is now (1910) in abeyance between the Lords Mowbray and Petre, the coheirs general of the Baron sum. in 1377. If, however, it be the same Barony as that of Mautravers, it passes (as such) under the Act of Pari, of 1627 to the Duke of Norfolk. C) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. {') " Johannes darundell chivaler. " Writs of diem cl. ext. 26 Jan. 3 Ric. II.