Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/310

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26o COMPLETE PEERAGE arundel the Irish sea. (') He vrzs iur. in Lewes Priory. Will dat. 26 Nov. 1379. His widow (^f Jure suo jure Baroness Mautravers, according to modern doctrine), m. by disp. from the Archbp. of Canterbury, dated 9 Sep. 1384 (being within the third degree of consanguinity) Q), as 2nd wife, Reynold (Cobham), 2nd Lord Cobham (of Sterborough), who d. 6 July 1403. She d. 10 Jan. 1404/5. (") Will dat. at Lytchett Matravers, 26 Sep. 1404, desiring to be bur. at Lewes Priory with " mon tres honorable seigneur John Arundell, " pr. 16 Jan. 1404/5 at Maidstone. II. 1379. 2. John d'Arundel, s. and h., b. 30 Nov. 1364. He was never sum. to Pari. He was with the army in Scot- land in 1383, and with the English Fleet in 1388. He m., before 1387, Elizabeth, da. of Edward (Despenser), Lord Le Despenser, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Bartholomew (Burghersh), Lord Burghersh. He d. 14 Aug. 1390, (°) and was bur. in Missenden Abbey. On 15 July 1406 he is referred to as John Darundell Chivaler, and his s. as John Darundell Esquire. C*) His widow m. William (la Zouche), Lord Zouche of Haryngworth, who d. 13 May 1396. She d. 10 or 11 Apr. 1408. (*) Will, desiring to be bur. in Tewkesbury Abbey, dat. 4 Apr. 1408. Inq., Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Northumberland, 9 Feb. to 27 Mar. 1379/80. He ^. 16 Dec. last. Inq., Somerset, Dorset, Gloucester, Wilts, 20 Feb. to 1 Mar. 1379/80. He d. 15 Dec. last. John d'Arundell chivaler is his s. and next heir " et fuit etatis xv annorum in festo sancti Andree apostoli ultimo preterite. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.y Ric. II, file 8, no. i). {ex infirm. G.W.Watson.) V.G. C) He appears to have been one of the fops of the period, for he had on board 52 suits of clothes " pro proprio corpore, novos apparatus vel aureos vel aureo textos. " V.G. C") " Alianora que fuit uxor Reginaldi de Cobham Chivaler. " Writ of diem, cl. ext. 21 Jan. 6 Hen. IV. Inq., Wilts, Kent, 20 Feb., 11 Mar. 1404/5. " Alianora obiit die sabbati proximo post festum Epiphanie domini [alite?- x die Januarii] ultimo preteritum. " " Alianora que fuit uxor Johannis Darundell senioris Chivaler. " Writs, 16 Feb. 6 Hen. IV. Inq., Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, I2, 17, 26 Mar. 1404/5. " Alianora obiit x die Januarii ultimo preterito. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.y Hen. IV, file 49, no. 31). [ex infirm. G.W.Watson.) V.G. (°) "Johannes de Arundell chivaler. " Writ oi diem. cl. ext. 6 Oct. 14 Ric. II. Inq., Surrey, 2 Nov. 1390. " dicunt quod predictus Johannes filius Johannis obiit die dominica in vigilia assumptionis beate Marie ultimo preterite et quod Johannes filius ejus est heres ejus propinquior et fuit etatis quinque annorum in vigilia sancti Petri quod dicitur advincia ultima preterita. " (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. ll, file 62, no. i). {ex inform. G.W.Watson.) V.G. {^) Pat. Roll (') " Elizabetha que fuit uxor Johannis de Arundell chivaler. " Writ of diem cl. ext. 8 May 9 Hen. IV. Inq., co. Gloucester, 19 June 1408. " Elizabetha obiit die mercurii proximo post festum dominice in ramis Palmarum ultimo preterits [11 Apr.]. " " Elizabetha que fuit uxor Willelmi la Zouche militis. " Writ i6 Apr. 9 Hen. IV. Inq., Beds, Northants, London, Wilts, 25 Apr. to 19 May 1408. " Elizabetha diem suum clausit extremum die martis proximo ante _rectius post, i.e. ID Apr.] dominicam in Ramis Palmarum ultimo preteritam. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 66, no. 20, file 69, no. 45). {ex infirm. G.W.Watson.) V.G.