Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/344

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294 COMPLETE PEERAGE athenry VII. 1489 ? 7. Meiler (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [1.], 2nd, but 1st surv., s. and h. male. (^) He m. Honor, da. of Richard " Oge, " or junior^ Bourke, of Clanricarde. He d. 1529. VIII. 1529. 8. John (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.], s. and h. He attended the Pari, of 1541, in which Hen. VIII was declared King of Ireland. He d. s.p.m., (") being slain in the disturb- ances of the country, [1547 .] before 1550. According to Betham, however, he d. v.p. before 1529. IX. 1547 .' 9. Richard (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.], 3rd cousin once removed and h. male, (^) being s. and h. of Edmund B., the s. and h. of Richard, the s. and h. of Edmund, the s. and h. of Richard, 2nd s. of Walter, the 4th Lord.("^) He sat in the Pari, of 1559-60. In 1568, having surrendered all his "manors, castells, lord- shippes, <yc., " he received a regrant thereof to him and the heirs male of his body by letters patent enrolled in the Exchequer [I.]. In 1572 he attended the Lord Deputy Sidney in his progress through Galway, who writes of him that he was " as poore a Baron as lyveth and yet agreed on to be the auntientest Baron in this lande. " He m., before 1 540, Catharine, da. of Teige O'Kelly, of Gallagh, Chief of his name, by Sabine, da. of Thomas MacRichard Oge Burke, of Derrymaclaghtny. He d. 1580. X. 1580. 10. Edmond (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.], s. and h., b. 1540. He sat in the Pari, at Dublin, 26 Apr. 1585, by the style of " The Lord Bermyngham of Athynrie. " He w., about 1560, Cecily, da. of Teige O'Kelly, of MuUaghmore. She d. 1593. According to Lodge, (^) he m., in 1560, a da. of Sir Dermod O'Shaugh- nassie, of Gortinshigorie, co. Galway. He ^.1614. A bill in Chancery was filed in 1629 by " Dame Una, Baronesse of Athenry, the widow and relict of Edmond, late Lord Baron of Athenry, " claiming dower. XI. 1614. II. Richard (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.], s. and h., i>. 1570. He sat in the Pari. 16 13, 1615, and (as (*) Up to this time the history and succession of these Lords, as far back as Meiler, who in the 13th century founded the Monastery of Athenry, is taken from a copy of the " Registry of Athenry " in the British Museum (Sloane MSS., no. 4784). This, however, ends in 1526, neither must it be imph'citly relied upon, for the Annals of the four Matters {sub. 1473) shew that the succession to the Peerage of Thomas the 6th lord in the text was disputed. There is also a good deal of uncertainty as to the succession between 1473 and the reign of Elizabeth. The authorities for the 34 years from 1526 to 1560 are mostly the statements given in "the case of Edward Birming- ham of Dalgan, co. Galway, claiming to be Lord Birmingham, Baron of Athenry and Premier Baron of Ireland. " () Anne, his only da. and h., is said to have m. William Legge, and to have been mother of Edward Legge, b. 1543, ancestor of the Earls of Dartmouth. (") See ante p. 292, note f. f*) Sec pedigree p. 298. (°) Vol. iii, p. 42.