Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/345

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ATHENRY COMPLETE PEERAGE 295 Premier (*) Baron) in 1634. He m., istly ( — ), da. of William Lally, Archbishop of Tuam. He m., 2ndly, Gille, widow of Dermot O'Shaugh- NESSY, da. of Ulick Bourlce McHubert, of Dysert Kelly, co. Galway. She d. 20 Nov. 1635, and was bur. in the Abbey of Athenry. Fun. Cert. He d. 1645, at Turlovaughane, and was bur. at Athenry. XII. 1645. 12. Y.'DMONX) 'RzKuinGHAM, de jure hereditaria 'LoKV) Athenry [I.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of Edward B. (by Mary, da. of Feagh Bourk.e, of Dunamon, co. Galway), who was s. and h. ap., by his ist wife, of the last Lord, and d. v. p. before 1 64 1. He was a Dominican Friar, and, accordingly, by deed dat. 3 May 1 64 1, stating that he was grandchild and next h. to " Richard, Lord Birmingham, Lord Baron of Athenry, " conveys " as much as in him lieth, all his birthright and title and possibility of descent to the honour and estate of Lord Birmingham, Baron of Athenry, C") to his dearest br. Francis Birmingham, &'c., that after the death of his said grandfather, the name, title, honour and estate of Lord Birmingham, Baron of Athenry, be and remain to his said br. Francis and his heirs male. " Q He d. s.p. The date of his death is unknown. XII. 1645 . 12. Francis (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.], grandson, and de facto h. of Richard, Lord Athenry abovenamed, being next br. to Edmond, de jure. Lord, abovenamed. By virtue of the resignation of his elder br., he appears to have sue. to the Peerage in 1645, immediately on the death of his grandfather, and to have been in possession thereof during the Civil Wars. The exercise of Martial Law in Connaught was granted to him in 1649. He maintained the King's cause in Ireland to the last, and was excepted from the pardon of 12 Aug. 1652. He, as " Francis Lord Baron of Athenree, " and " Mary Bermingham, widow," his mother, appear, under date 4 Sep. 1655, among the transplanted Irish in Connaught. On 9 May 1661 (when, not improb- ably, his elder br. was dead) he took his seat in the House of Lords [I.]. In 1667 he filed a bill in Chancery against the Portreeve of Athenry, referred to above. (**) He m. Bridget, da. of Sir Lucas Dillon, of Lough Glyn, CO. Roscommon, by Jane, da. of Garret Moore, of Ball, co. Mayo. He d. 12 Apr. 1677, and was bur. at Athenry. His widow d. 2 Jan. 1687, and was bur. at Turlovaughane. (*) Journals of the Irish House of Lords 1634, which begin in that year. C") A somewhat similar case occurs in the Viscountcy of Buttevant [I.], where Richard, de jure Viscount, 1581-1622 (being deaf and dumb, though of sound under- standing), was passed over in favour of his yr. br. David Barry — the de facto Viscount 1 581-16 1 7, as also in that of Slane, 1629. See that title. (°) The original deed (price 60s.) was for sale in Dec. 1883, by J. Coleman, Bookseller, Tottenham, Midx. It is stated that he is therein styled " Sir Edmond Birmingham, of the Blessed Order of St. Dominick, ia'c. " (*) See ante, p. 291, note " a. "