Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/354

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304 COMPLETE PEERAGE atholl II. 1873. 2. James Herbert GusTAVUS Meredyth (Somerville), Baron Athlumney [I.], Baron Meredyth [U.K.], and a Baronet [I.], only surv. s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. at Somerville House, 23 Mar., and bap. at Kentstown 25 Apr. 1865. Ed. at Harrow school. Lieut. 5th batt. Royal Canadians, 1882. Lieut. Coldstream Guards 1886 ; served in the Dongola Expedition 1896, mentioned in Despatches; served in S. Africa 1900, medal and 4 clasps. (") In politics he is a Conservative. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 10,200 acres in co. Meath, and about 300 in co. Dublin. Total about 10,500 acres worth about ;^ 1 1,400 a year. — Principal Residence: — Somerville House, near Navan, co. Meath. ATHNERY, see ATHENRY ATHOLL () or ATHOLE sometimes anciently called ASCELESC) [This Earldom, with Gowry (now together forming the north and east part of Perthshire), was one of the Seven original Mormaerships of Scot- land C") the Rulers of which were styled Mormaers in the loth century, and early in the i2th were known as Earls.] EARLDOM [S.] i. Madach, s. C^) of Melmare (br. of Malcolm III, , p King OF Scotland, 1057-98) was witness to the charter - ' of Scone dat. 1115 as ' Madach Comes,' i.e. Madach EARL OF ATHOLL or ATHOLE (') [S.]. He m., about 1133, (probably as a 2nd wife) Margaret, (') da. of Haco, Jarl of Orkney, which island was then part of the Kingdom of Norway, and d. between 1 142 and 1 1 52. His widow m. Erland Ugni, Jarl of Orkney, who was killed 1 156. II. 1 1 50. 2. Malcolm, Earl of Atholl [S.], s. of Malcolm, who was probably s. of Madach by a prior marriage. He made a donation to the Priory of St. Andrews at some date before 1 174, and to Dunfermline between 11 83 and 11 86. He «., as his 2nd wife, Hextild, da. of Waltheof, or Uchtred, and widow of Richard Comyn. He d. between 1 186 and Aug. 1 198. (") For a list of peers, and heirs ap. of peers, serving in this war, see vol. iii. Appendix B. V.G. () See remarks under Angus, p. 141. (') See A'^. I3 Q.f 7th Ser., vol. viii, pp. 271-2, as to this appellation. C) He is, however, sometimes called s. of Donald Bane. {N. is' Q., 7th Ser., vol. viii, p. 271. ('■) Skene's Celtic Scotland, vol. iii, p. 54. {') Her son sue. to Orkney, but not to Atholl.