Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/355

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ATHOLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 305 III. 1 190 ? 3. Henry, Earl of Atholl [S.], s. and h., confirmed his father's grants. He m. Margaret, and d. shortly before Jan. 12 10/ 1, s.p.m.s. IV. 12 10.' 4. Isabel, jHo y«rf Countess of Atholl [S.], ist da. and h. She m., before Jan 1210/1, Thomas of Gallo- way (br. to the well-known Alan, Lord of Galloway), who in her right is then called Earl of Atholl [S.]. (") They jointly (as Earl and Countess) made a grant to the Abbey of Dunfermline. He d. 123 1. She seems to have OT., 2ndly, Alan de Lundin, " Ostiarius Regis, " who is designated Earl of Atholl in 1233 and 1235, but as his signature appears afterwards without that designation, he probably held the Earldom in wardship (only) during the minority of his step-son. V. 1 23 1 . 5. Patrick, (of Galloway), Earl of Atholl [S.], only s. and h. Having been successful at a tournament against Walter Bisset, he was burnt to death by him at Haddington, 1242. He d. unm. (") VI. 1242. 6. Fernelith, suojure Countess of Atholl [S.], aunt and h., being the yr. of the two daughters and coheirs of Earl Henry abovenamed. She m., before 1242, David Hastings, who, in her right, became Earl of Atholl [S.], and, as such, was one of the guar- antors of a treaty of peace with Henry 111, in 1244. She surv. him. VII. 1250 .i* 7. Ada, suo jure Countess of Atholl [S.], da. and h. She m. John of Strath bogie, s. and h. of David, who was 3rd s. of Duncan, Earl of Fife [S.]. By this match her husband became, in her right. Earl of Atholl [S.], and, as such, he, with his Countess, in 1254, confirmed a donation made by the father of the latter to the monastery of Coupar. VIII. 1260 . 8. David (of Strathbogie), Earl of Atholl [S.], s. and h., sue. before Christmas 1264. He m., istly, Helen. He /»., 2ndly, before 1265, Isabel {b. after 1245), da. of Richard of Chilham, or OF Dover, by Maud, suojure Countess of Angus, da. and h. of Malcolm, Earl of Angus. (") He d. in the seventh Crusade, 6 Aug. 1270, at Carthage. His widow m., without lie, shortly after 7 Nov. 1270, (when her marriage was granted to Philip d'Aubigny) Alexander de Balliol (") A charter of Roger de Quency, Earl of Winchester and Constable of Scot- land, and Helen, his wife, confirms lands on the Tweed granted by " Thomas fil. Rolandi comes Atholl " to St. Andrew's Priory, Northampton. Royal MS. 11 B. ix f. 103 b. {ex infirm. H.J.Ellis.) V.G. C") In Patent Roll, 30 Jan. 1 25 1/2, there is a pardon to "Alan, s. of Thomas, Earl of Athell, " for killing some men in Ireland. C^) This Richard of Dover was s. and h. of Richard Fitzroy (living 1232), by Rose, {d. before 1232), da. and h. of Robert of Dover, which last Richard was bastard s. of King John. (G.J.Turner, in The Genealogist, N. S., vol. xxii, pp. 109-10). 40