Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/356

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3o6 COMPLETE PEERAGE atholl of Cavers [Lord Balliol], who survived her, and was living 1307. She d. Feb. 1292, and is said to have been bur. in Canterbury Cathedral. (*) IX. 1270. 9. John (of Strathbogie), Earl of Atholl [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife. He was one of the Nobles who, 5 Feb. 1283/4, acknowledged Margaret, Maid of Norway, as their Sovereign. In 1292 he swore fealty to Edward I, but fought on the side of the Scots in their defeat at Dunbar, 28 Apr. 1296, and was taken prisoner to London, the order for his release from the Tower being dated 31 July 1297. Having m. Margaret, (") da. of Donald, Earl of Mar, by Helen, da. of Llewellyn, Prince of North Wales, and sister to the ist wife of King Robert Bruce, he became a staunch adherent of Bruce, at whose coronation he assisted, 27 Mar. 1306, In the English invasion of Scotland that followed, the Earl was taken prisoner to London, executed 7 Nov. 1 306 (his body burnt and his head fixed on London Bridge), and his title forfeited. X. 1306. I. Ralph (de Monthermer), Earl of Gloucester, on whom his father-in-law, Edward I, conferred, 12 Oct. 1306, the whole of Annandale, with the title of EARL OF ATHOLL [S.]. He, however, for 5,000 marks, resigned such title in favour of the s. of the late Earl, 24 June 1307, as below. H o 4J S g OS CAl p o «^ O ^ XI. 1307. 10. David OF Strathbogie, of Chilham, Kent, s. and h. of John, 9th Earl, was restored by Edward II as Earl OF Atholl [S.], between 21 Aug. 1307, and 20 May 1308. On 23 Dec. 1300, he was a prisoner in England. On 16 Nov. 13 16 he had pardon as "David Earl of Ascelles. " C') Before Feb. 1311/2 he had been con- stituted High Constable [S.] by King Robert Bruce, but, rebelling against him in 13 14, his lands, office and title vieve forfeited by that monarch. In consideration, however, of his services to England, he was sum. C*) to the English Pari, from 14 Mar. (1321/2) 15 Edw. II to 3 Dec. (1326) 20 Edw. II, by writs directed " David de Strabolgi comiti Alhol " whereby he may be held to have acquired an English Barony in fee (LORD STRATHBOGIE), though not an English Earldom. (^) He was chief (") An article, by W.H. St. John Hope, in Arch. Cantiana, vol. xxvii, p. 209, (1905) shows that the tomb supposed to be that of this Countess, who d. 1292, is really that of Dame Elizabeth Try vet, who d. 1483 ! V.G. C") In Patent Roll, under date 1 1 Mar. 1285/6, there is a " Royal assent to the marriage of John de Asceles with one of the daughters of V/illiam de Sules " [Soulis]. This entry presumably refers to Earl John, but no evidence has been found of sucn marriage having actually taken place. V.G. f) Pattnt Roll. () In Courtliope, p. 451, it is stated that such summons was " in virtue of his English Barony of Chilham, co. Kent, says Dugdalc, " but Query. f) He, his son and grandson continued to be so sum. till 1369. " They must,