Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/373

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ATHOLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 323 only s. and h., b. 6 Aug. and bap. 12 Nov. 1840, at Blair Castle. Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards, 1859 ; Capt., 1864 to 1866. On 12 Feb. 1865 he sue. his maternal uncle Algernon (Percy), 4th Duke of Northumberland, &'c. in the Barony cr. by writ of summons 23 Nov. 1722, (") as LORD PERCY. On I Dec. 1865, he registered at the Lyon office, Edinburgh, his assumption of the name of Stewart before that of Muiray. K.T. 14 May 1868. Lord Lieut, of co. Perth, 1878. Pres. of the Highland and Agric. Soc. [S.] 1887-88. In politics he is a Conservative. () He OT., 29 Oct. 1863, at Moncreiffe House, Louisa, ist da. of Sir Thomas MoNCREiFFE, of MoncrcifFe, 7th Bart. [S.], by Louisa, ist da. of Thomas Robert (Hay), loth Earl of Kinnoull [S.]. She d.^ in Italy, on a journey from Salso Maggiore to Axenfels, 8, and was bur. 17 July 1902, at Blair. [John Stewart-Murray, styled Marquess of Tullibardine, ist s. and h. ap., b. 30 Aug. 1869, at Blair Castle, d. the next day]. [John George Stewart-Murray, styled Marquess of Tullibardine, 2nd, but 1st surv. s. and h. ap., b. 15 Dec. 1871, at Blair Castle, co. Perth. 2nd Lieut. Royal Horse Guards 1892 ; Lieut. 1893 ; Capt. 1899 ; brevet Major 1900 ; Lieut. Col. 1903. Served in the Sudan 1893 ; at the battle of Atbara ; at the battle of Khartoum ; mentioned in despatches. (D.S.O. 15 Nov. 1898 ; British and Khedive's medal with 2 clasps). Served in the S. African War, 1 899-1 902, three times mentioned in despatches. C) M.V.O. 14 Oct. 1902 ; Grand Master of Freemasons [S.] 1909 ; M.P. (Conservative) for West Perthshire 19 10. He »?., 20 July 1899, at St. Margaret's, Westm., Katherine Marjory, 4th da. of Sir James Henry Ramsay, of BamfF, loth Bart. [1666], being ist da. by his 2nd wife, Charlotte Fanning, da. and h. of William Stewart, of Ardvorlich.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 202,000 acres in CO. Perth, valued at about ^^42,000 a year. Principal Residence. — The Castle, Blair Atholl, co. Perth. C) He thus became the representative of both of the claimants of the High Chamberlainship mentioned ante^ in note " c, " p. 320. As such he was one of the claimants to the Lord Great Chamberlainship on the accession of King Edward VII. As to that high office see vol. ii, Appendix D. V.G. C") " The Duke of Atholl, of our British nobility, may claim to have the greatest number of titles. Besides his Dukedom, he holds two Marquisates, five Earldoms, three Viscountcies, eight Baronies, and is also a Knight of the Thistle. Twenty distinct titles in all. He is, moreover, coheir of five other baronies. " Of course the above list takes no account of the shadowy Jacobite Dukedom of Rannoch and other peerage titles conferred on his collateral ancestor in 1717, of which he is the heir. In the Edinburgh Gazette, 26 Sep. 1893, appeared a notice to the effect that the Duke would in future revert to the original spelling and use the title of Atholl. The latter form seems first to have been started by the 6th Duke about 1854. V.G. C) For a list of peers, and heirs ap. of peers, serving in this war, see vol. iii. Appendix B. V.G. (■*) The Duke of Atholl is among the 28 noblemen who, in 1883, possessed above