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324 COMPLETE PEERAGE aton ATHOLL i.e. "DuNMORE in the forest of Atholl, co. Perth," Barony (Murray), cr. 1831 ; see Dunmore Earldom [I.], cr. 1686, under the 5th Earl. ATON n Sir Gilbert Axon, Q) of "West Ayton, etc., co. York, Q s. and h. of William A. of the same, by Isabel, () da. of Sir Simon de Veer, of Goxhill, CO. Lincoln, and Sproatley in Holderness. He was knighted, with the Prince of Wales, 22 May 1306, (") and had a grant of free warren in his demesne lands in Barlby, the Holmes,Welham, and Knapton, 7 Aug. 1308. Q He established his claim to the lands of William de Vescy of Kildare [Lord de Vescy] in 13 16 and 1317, (^) did homage 7 Nov. 13 1 7, and had livery of Langton and Wintringham, co. York, 22 Jan 1317/8, and of Malton, 26 Nov. I3i8.() In (1323-24) 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom, and he stood sixth in point of acreage, though by no means in rental. See a list of these in a note sub Buccleuch. C) The re-writing of this article has been kindly undertaken by G.W.Watson. () The arms of Aton, as quartered by their descendants, were, Barry of six Or and Azure, on a canton Gules a cross flory Argent. Gilbert assumed the arms of Vescy, Or a cross Sable. {Baroughbridgf Roll, no. 131). His s., William, added, for some time, 5 bull's heads Argent to the cross, thereby occasioning a dispute with Sir Robert de Boveton (Boulton or Bolton), which was arranged by indenture dated 5 Apr. 1375. (Bodleian Charters, Torkshire, no. 335). i^) He was a sub-tenant of the Earl of Lancaster in West Ayton (wapentake ot Pickering Lythe): of the Bishop of Durham in Barlby and Menthorpe (liberty of Howden) : of the fief of Vescy in Knapton, and that of Moubray in Welham (wapentake of Buckrose). (*) She was h. of her mother, Ada, 4th sister and in her issue coh. of Roger Bertram of Mitford ; but not of her father, Simon, who, by his ist marriage, had Sir Simon de Veer, his s. and h. The younger Simon gave the manor of Bottesford, CO. Lincoln, to his uncle, Roger de Veer, prior of the knights Hospitallers, 3 Sep. 1270. {Charter Roll, 55 Hen. Ill, m. 3). (°) It was he who was knighted at this date, and not, as has hitherto been stated, his uncle, who was dead in 1303. {Knights' fees in Yorkshire 31 Edw. /, Surtees Soc, p. 242). (') Charter Roll, 2 Edw. II, m. 14. {^) On the death of William de Vescy of Kildare, a bastard, without h. of his body (slain at Bannockburn 24 June 13 14), it was found by inquisitions, cos. York and Lincoln, 2 June, 5 Aug., and 15 Nov. 1315, that Gilbert d'Aton, aged 26 and more, was h. of William de Vescy the elder [reputed father of the afsd. William], being s. and h. of William, br. and h. of Gilbert, s. and h. of William, s. and h. of Margery [wife of Gilbert d'Aton who d. 1235], da. and h. of Warin de Vescy [of Knapton], br. of Eustace, grandfather of the sd. William the elder. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 40, no. i). C") Close Rolls, II Edw. II, ot. 13 ; 12 Edw. II, m. 22.