Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/376

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326 COMPLETE PEERAGE aubigny He left 3 daughters and coheirs, (i) Anastasia, wife of Sir Edward St. John. He d'. 7 Mar. 1388/9. n (2) Katherine, 2nd wife of Sir Ralph Eure, of Witton Castle, co. Durham. He d. 10 Mar. 142 1/2. C") (3) Elizabeth, formerly wife of Sir William Playce, but then wife of Sir John Conyers, of Sockburn, co. Durham, who d. shortly before 6 Mar. 1395/6. (°) She d. shortly before 8 May 1402. (") They made partition of their inheritance, 22 July 1389, and among their representatives any hered- itary Barony, that may be held to have existed, is in abeyance. (■*) ATTINGHAM See "Berwick, of Attingham, co. Salop," Barony (Hill), cr. 1784. AUBENY see D'AUBENY AUBIGNYC) Aubigny-sur-Nerre was a French seigneurie situated in Berry. From the 15th to the 17th century, however, the style of " Lord Aubigny " was frequently used both in England and Scotland by its Eure, Sir John Conyers, and Sir William Playce (s. of Elizabeth Aton), for their lives, yc. (Harl. MSS., no. 245, ibid^. He d. before his son-in-law, Sir Edward St. John {Clou Roll, 12 Ric. II, m. 11). (") " Edwardus de Sancto Johanne miles. " Writ, missing. Inq., co. York, I Apr. 1389. "Item dicunt predicti Juratores quod dictus Edwardus obiit septimo die Martii jam ultimo preterito. Et quod Margareta filia dicti Edwardi quam Thomas de Brounflete duxit in uxorem est heres dicti Edwardi propinquior et quod est de etate septemdecim annorum et amplius. " (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. 11, file 57, no. 51). C") " Radulfus de Eure Chivaler. " Writ of diem cl. ext. 16 Apr. 10 Hen. V, Inq., CO. Northumberland, 17 June 1422. " Et dicunt quod predictus Radulfus obiit die martis proximo ante festum sancti Gregorii martyris [5/V] ultimo preterite. Et quod Willelmus de Eure miles filius predicti Radulfi est heres ejus propinquior et est etatis xxvj annorum et amplius. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 64, no. 39). Inq., Durham, 7 Sep. 1422. " Radulfus obiit x die Martii." Heir as before. {Cursitor's Records, no. ii, f. 214). {") Durham Inquisitions of these dates. {Cunitor'i Records, no. ii, fF. 124, i4od). C) (i) Anastasia left an only da. and h., Margaret, who m. Sir Thomas Brom- flete. Their s. and h., Henry, was sum. to Pari. 24 Jan. 1448/9, by writ directed Henrico Bromflete militi haroni de Fcssy. See " Vescy, " Barony, 1449. (2) The representation of Katherine devolved on the 2 daughters and coheirs of Sir William Eure (slain at Marston Moor in 1644), viz.., (i) Margaret, wife of Thomas Danby, of Farnley, co. York, and (ii) Mary, wife of William Palmes, of Lindley, co. York. (3) Elizabeth left a s. and h.. Sir William Playce (living 30 Mar. 1396), who was father of Robert Place, who, by his wife, Katherine, da. and h. of Halnath de Halnaby, was ancestor of the family of Place of Halnaby, co. York. (') The re-writing of this article has been kindly undertaken by G.W.Watson.