Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/377

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AUBiGNY COMPLETE PEERAGE 327 different possessors. Accordingly, an account of the various persons (all being members of the House of Stewart) who held it is subjoined. 1. Sir John Stewart, of Darnley, co. Renfrew, s. and h. of Sir Alexander Stewart, of the same (who d. before 5 May 1404), by his 1st wife, whose name is unknown. (") He was knighted before May 1387. He entered the service of France in Oct. 14 19, and was soon afterwards appointed Constable of the Army of Scotland. Having distinguished himself at the battle of Bauge in Anjou, 22 Mar. 1420/1, he received from the Dauphin Charles, 23 Apr. 142 1, the Seigneurie of Concressault in Berry, (") and from the same (after he had become King), 26 Mar. 1422/3, the Seigneurie of Aubigny, also in Berry, (") and in Jan. 1426/7 the Comt6 of Evreux in Normandy. C^) To reward his further services, 4 Feb. 1427/8, Charles VII granted him the privilege of bearing the arms of France in the ist and 4th quarters of his shield. C) He m. (disp. 23 Sep. 1406) Elizabeth, 2nd or 3rd da. and coh. of Duncan, Earl of Lennox [S.], by Ellen, da. of Gillespie Campbell, of Lochawe. He d. 12 Feb. 1428/9,0 being slain at the battle "of Herrings " at Rouvray-Saint-Denis, and was bur. in the Cathedral of Orleans. His widow was bur. with him in Nov. 1429. 2. Sir John Stuart, 2nd s., inherited the Seigneuries of Concres- sault and Aubigny, for which he did homage to Louis XI, 2 Sep. 1461. He was Chamberlain of the King of France, a knight of the Order of St. Michael, and Capt. of the 100 Scottish Men-at-Arms. He w., in 1446, Beatrix, da. of B^raud d'Apchier, Seigneur d'Apchier in Langue- doc, by Anne, da. and h. of G^raud de la Gorce, Seigneur de la Gorge. He d. in 1482. (*) S«/J Peerage, vol. v, p. 345. (") P. Dupuy, Traitez. touchant les Droits du Roy, 1655, p. 785. {") Anselme, vol. v, pp. 921-2 : Andrew Stuart, History of the Stewarts, pp. 393-5. The grant is to him " et a ses hoirs masles descendans de son corps et de ses hoirs masles en droite ligne. " C) Le Brasseur, Histoire d^ Evreux, 1722, pp. 1 1 9-20 : Anselme, vol. iii, pp. 98-9 : A.Stuart, pp. 14 1-3. The grant is to him and the heirs male of his body. On 15 Mar. 1426/7, he promised, for himself and his heirs, to resign the comti at any time for 50,000 kus d'or. Whether he did so or not is unknown, but after his death the title disappears till Evreux was made a duM in Oct. 1569. (^) Thaumas de la Thaumassiere, Histoire de Berry, 1689, p. 697. (') It may be that, as La Thaumassiere states, he was sue. in the seigneurie of Aubigny by his eldest s., Alan, but there are no aveux nor homages before 1461 in evidence, to decide the question. This Alan was in Scotland, Nov. 1429 and Feb. 1433, and does not appear in France till 1435, when he is described as " Connestable de larmee dEcosse. " In a protection against creditors, 4 Aug. 1437, from the French King, he is not described as Seigneur d'Aubigny. (A.Stuart, pp. 162-5 - Eraser, The Lennox, vol. ii, p. 65).