Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/378

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328 COMPLETE PEERAGE aubigny 3. BiRAUD or Bernard, Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny, Chamber- lain of the King of France, knight of the Order of St. Michael, only s. and h., b. about 1447. He did homage for the Seigneurie of Au- bigny to Charles VIII, 22 Nov. 1483. He commanded the French contingent at the battle of Bosworth, 22 Aug. 1485, and was appointed Capt. of the Scottish Archers of the Guard, Dec. 1493. He accom- panied Charles VIII and Louis XII in their Italian campaigns, held the office of Grand Constable of Sicily and Jerusalem {i.e. of Naples), and was made Gov. of Calabria in 1495, with the title of Marquis of Squi- lazzo. Having defeated the Spaniards at Terranuova, 25 Dec. 1502, and again at Girace, he was cr., by Louis XII, Duke of Terranuova and Marquis of Girace. He m.y istly, Guillemette de Boucard. He w., 2ndly, Anne, only da. and h. of Guy de Maumont, Seigneur de Saint Quentin in La Marche, by Jeanne, suo jure Countess of Beaumont-le- Roger, illegit. da. of Jean II, Duke of Alencon. He d. s.p.m.{^) in 1 508, on or shortly after 8 June, C') at Corstorphine, when on an embassy to Scotland. Will, directing that he should be bur. in the Church of the Black Friars, Edinburgh, dat. 8 June 1508. Q His widow /»., in 15 10, Aubert des Ages. 4. Robert Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny, Capt. of the Scottish Archers of the Guard and of the 100 Scottish Men-at-Arms, cousin of the above, being 4th s. (but 2nd surv. s. in 1508) of John, ist Earl of Lennox [S.], who was s. and h. of Sir Alan S. of Darnley, s. and h. of Sir John S. of Darnley above-named. He did homage for the Seigneurie of Aubigny to Louis XII, 21 Aug. 1508, and was cr. a Marshal of France in 151 5. He w., istly, his 2nd cousin, Anne, da. and coh. of B^raud Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny, by his 2nd wife, Anne DE Maumont, both above-named. She d. before 1527. He m., 2ndly, Jacqueline, da. and coh. of Francois de la Queuille, Seigneur de la QuEuiLLE in Auvergne, by his ist wife. Marguerite, da. of Jean de Castelnau, Seigneur de Castelnau de Bretenoux et de Saint Sentin DE Caumont in Quercy. He received a grant, 15 June 1527, to him (") He left 2 daughters : (by his 1st wife) Guyonne, who m. Philippe Braque, Seigneur du Luat (He de France), and left posterity ; and (by his 2nd wife) Anne, who m. her cousin, Robert Stuart, as below. The name Braque is given wrongly as " de Brague " in The Stuarts of Aubigny., by Lady E.Cust, and elsewhere. C") In the Scoti Peerage., vol. v, p. 347, he is said to have d. 15 June. The authority cited is Treasurer s Accounts [S.], vol. iv, p. 42. But the entry there runs " Item the xv day of Junij to the Kingis oflFerand at my Lord of Owbigneis saule mes, xiiij s., " and shows, on the contrary, that he d. some time before that date. (') This will, of " Baraldus Stewart, " and an inventory, are printed by A.Stuart, p. 207, and (with some differences) by Fraser, vol. ii, p. 186. The inventory gives the value of his goods as 2004 /., and " Summa omnium bonorum debitis extractis " as 1800 /. _or 1850 /.] — incorrectly rendered in The Stuarts of Aubigny^ p. 44, as " that he owed 1850 /. to different creditors. "