Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/401

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AUMALE COMPLETE PEERAGE 351 fact, did not recognise the forfeiture made by the French King, though it was absolute. The case appears to be exactly parallel with those of the Umfrevilles and Strathbogies, who, after they had totally lost their Scottish Earldoms of Angus and Atholl respectively, were still accorded these titles by the Kings of England. I. Adelaide (") or Adeliz, sister ot William the Conqueror, (^') being illeg. da. of Robert, Duke of the Normans, by Herleve or Harlotte, da. of Fulbert or Robert, a pelliparius of Falaise, is mentioned in Domesday as Comitissa de Albatnarla^ and as holding some manors in Essex and Suffolk. In 1082, William, King of the English, and Maud, his wife, gave to the Abbey of La Trinite at Caen the boiirg of Le Homme (de Hidmo) in the C6tentin, " sed et Comitissa A. de Albamarla concedente eo videlicet pacto ut ipsa teneret in vita sua. " (") Adelaide ;«., istly, Enguerrand II, Count of Ponthieu, who d. s.p.m., being slain in 1053. () (°) For some discussion on mediseval English names, see vol. iii, Appendix C. V.G. (*") The pedigree of the earlier possessors of Aumale has been investigated by T.Stapleton in Archaeologia^ vol. xxvi, pp. 349-360. There he supposed he had proved that Orderic was wrong in stating that the wife of Count Eudes of Champagne was da. of Duke Robert, and, that she was really the Duke's grand-daughter. Later on, he discovered his own error. His amended conclusions are in Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. vi, p. 265, and, at greater length, in Rot. Scacc. Norm., vol. ii, pp. xxix-xxxi. He had, however, in the meantime misled Poulson [Holderness, vol. i, p. 24 sqq.). (") Gallia Christ., vol. xi, instr., c. 68-72. Stapleton always misdates this charter. C*) A charter of the Church of St. Martin, at Auchy (now Aumale), narrates its foundation " a viro quodam videlicet Guerinfrido qui condidit castellum quod Alba- marla nuncupatur in externis partibus Normannie super flumen quod Augus dicitur, " this charter being drawn up " jussu Enguerrani consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis scilicet Wilielmi Regis Anglorum, " and mentioning " Addelidis comitissa supradicti Engueranni et supra- dicte Adelidis filia que post obitum illorum in imperio successit, " and also " Judita comitissa domine supradicte filia. " {Archaeologia, ibid., pp. 358-60). As to Judith, in the Fita et passio venerahilis viri Gualdevi comitis Huntendonie et Norhantonie (an MS. of the 13th century in the Douai library), printed by F. Michel, Chron. Anglo- Normandes, vol. ii, it is stated, p. 112, that King William gave to Waltheof "in uxorem neptem suam Ivettam, filiam comitis Lamberti de Lens, sororem nobilis viri Stephani comitis de Albemarlia. " The following pedigree illustrates this descent. Guerinfrey. He built the castle of Aumale. ^ I Berthe, da. and h.^Hugh II, Count of Ponthieu. d. 20 Nov. 1051. I i 2 3 Enguerrand, Count = Adelaide, sister ot^Lambert de Bou- = Eudes, Count of Champagne ; deprived of Ponthieu and Sire d'Aumale. Slain at thesiegeof Arques in 1053. William the Con- queror. She is styled Countess of Aubiale. d. before 1090. logne. Count of Lens. Slain in battle at Lille in 1054. of Champagne by his uncle Thibaut before 1071. Adelaide. Living Judith, m. Waltheof, Stephen, Count 1096. Earl of Huntingdon. of Aumale.