Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/402

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352 COMPLETE PEERAGE aumale She ;«., 2ndly, Lambert, (") Count of Lens in Artois, who d. s.p.m., being skin in 1054. She m., 3rdly, Eudes, (") the disinherited Count of Champagne, who had taken refuge in Normandy. Q She d. before 1090. () Her husband obtained Holderness after the date of Domesday. (') Having conspired against William II in 1094, he was imprisoned in 1096. He occurs as Comes Odo in the Lindsey Survey (i 1 15-18). 2. Stephen, Count of Aumale, Lord of Holderness, s. and h. of the said Adelaide, by her 3rd husband. He was b. before 1070. In 1090 he took part with William II, and fortified his castle of Aumale against Duke Robert. By reason of his descent from the ducal house of Normandy he was chosen by Robert de Mowbray and his confederates as the person on whom to bestow the Crown, had they succeeded in their attempt to dethrone William II in 1094. He went on Crusade in 1096 with Duke Robert, before which, 14 July 1096, as Comes de Alba- marla, he gave the Church of St. Martin at Auchy to the Abbey of St. Lucien at Beauvais. Q He took the part of Henry I against Duke Robert in 1104, but in 11 18 supported Baldwin a la Hache, Count of Flanders, and the French King, in their invasion of Normandy on behalf of William CUton, son of Duke Robert. He persisted in his rebellion, but was reduced to submission in 11 19. He often occurs, but only once as Comes de Albamara, in the Lindsey Survey. He m. Hawise, da. of Ralph de Mortemer, of Wigmore, co. Hereford, Seigneur de (*) He was yr. s. of Eustace I, Count of Boulogne, by Mahaut, da. of Lambert I, Count of Louvain. C") He was s. and h. of Stephen II, Count of Champagne, by Adele, whose parentage is unknown. C) A charter to the Church of St. Martin at Auchy, was written by command of Adelid'n the most noble Comitissa, sister to wit of William, King of the English, " confirmante viro suo videlicet Odone comite una cum filio suo Stephano. " (Sta- pleton, Rot. Scacc. Norm., vol. ii, p. xxxi). C) It is here assumed that it was the sister of the Conqueror, and not her da. of the same name, who is mentioned in Domesday. Staplcton says of the former that " she did not long survive her br.. King William, " but there is nothing definite known beyond that she was living in 1082 and dead in 1090. There seems to be no charter in which the younger Adelaide is called Countess. The charter of her half-brother, Stephen, dated 14 July 1096, is " consensu simul et corroboratioiic sororis mee Adelidis, " showing she had some rights on Aumale. It is not very clear what they were, though she is said in the charter quoted above to have succeeded " in imperio. " Nothing further seems to be known about her, but Count Stephen had eventually the whole inheritance. {") Count Eudes and his s., Stephen, gave the manor and church of Hornsea (in Holderness) to the Abbey of St. Mary at York. {Adonasticon, vol. iii, p. 548). (') Gallia Christ., vol. xi, imtr., c. 19-20. In a charter, dated 1 1 15, Stephen makes mention of " Willelmi regis Anglie avunculi mei." [Ncustria Pia, pp. 731-2 : Monasticon, vol. vi, p. 1 1 03).