Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/403

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AUMALE COMPLETE PEERAGE 353 Saint Victor-eti-Caiix, by Milicent, his wife. (") He d. before 1130. 3. William, le Gros, Count of Aumale, Lord of Holderness, s. and h. He witnessed two charters of King Stephen in 1136 as fVillelmus de Albamarla, not being placed among the comites. He distinguished himself at the battle of the Standard in 1 13 8, and was made Earl of Yorkshire as his reward. (") He was with King Stephen in his defeat at Lincoln, 2 Feb. 1 1 40/ 1. He founded the Abbey of Meaux in 1 150. (°) He m. Cicely, Lady ot Skipton, da. and coh. of William fitz Duncan, by Alice, Lady of Skipton, da. and coh. of William le Meschin, Lord of Copeland. ('^) He d. s.p.m., 20 Aug. 1179, Q and was bur. in the Abbey of Thornton, CO. Lincoln, which he had founded in 1139. 4. Hawise, ist (or, more probably, only) da. and h., sue. her father in the Comte of Aumale and the Lordship of Holderness. She ;«., istly, 14 Jan. 1179/80, at Pleshy, Essex, (') William (de Mandeville), Earl OF Essex, (*^) who thereby became Count of Aumale. He d. s.p., 14 Nov. 1189.0 She m., 2ndly, after 3 July 1190, William de Forz, () (') Monasticon, vol. vi, p. 1098 : Round, Ca/. of Documents, no. 1264. C") Comitem in Ehorad sciria, according to John, Prior of Hexham (p. 295). This can only mean Yorkshire excluding Richmondshire. As Round points out, he was not recognised as Count of Aumale till after this date {Geoffrey de Mandeville, p. 264). He occasionally attested charters as comes Ebor' (see, e.g.. Round's Cal. of Documents, no. 804), but the title was soon dropped for that of comes Albemarle. A very similar case is that of the Count of Meulan, who was cr. Earl of Worcester by Stephen. He, on his seal, has sigillvm gvaleranni comitis mellenti, and on the counterseal, sigillvm gvaleranni comitis wigornie. (Douet d'Arcq, Collection de Sceaux, vol. i, no. 715). Here again the English title was soon dropped. (") He had rashly made a vow to go on crusade, an adventure which his bulk rendered so perilous, that he founded this Abbey instead, to absolve himself (*) William le Meschin, Lord of Copeland, yr. s. of Rannulf, Vicomte of the Bessin, m. Cicely de Rumilly, Lady of Skipton, and had 2 daughters and coheirs, (i) Alice, Lady of Skipton, "who m. istly, William fitz Duncan, s. of Duncan, Earl of Moray (s. of Duncan, King of Scots), by Octreda, da. and h. of Alan, Lord of Allerdale. They had one s., William, " the Boy of Egremont, " who d. in the King's ward after 1 1 55, leaving his 3 sisters his coheirs : (i) Cicely, as in the text : (ii) Amabel, Lady of Copeland (called, in the Pipe Rolls and elsewhere, Comitissa de Couplanda), who m. Reynold de Lucy : (iii) Alice de Rumilly, Lady of Allerdale, who m., istly, Gilbert Pipard, and 2ndly, Robert de Courtenay, and d. s.p. (2) Avice, Lady of Harewood, who m., istly, William Paynell, of Drax, co. York, and 2ndly, Robert de Courcy, of Stoke, Somerset. Alice, Lady of Skipton, m., andly, Alexander fitz Ceroid. C) " 1 180, xiij kal. Septembris, " according to the Chron. of Thornton {Monas- ticon, vol. vi, p. 326). Benedictus, vol. i, p. 243, gives the year, correctly, as 1179. Cf Pipe Rolls, 25, 26 Hen. IL (') R. de Diceto, vol. ii, pp. 3, 73. (*) See Essex, Earldom of, under the 3rd Earl. C') Stapleton [Lib. de Antiquis Legihus, pref., p. xxxiv) states that " the surname de Fortibus was derived from Fors, a commune of the canton of Prahecq, arrond. 46