Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/404

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354 COMPLETE PEERAGE aumale who thereby became Count of Aumale. He accompanied Richard I in his Crusade, and d. in 1195. She w., 3rdly, Baldwin de Bethune, Sei- gneur DE Choques in Artois, 3rd s. of Robert de Bethune, le Roux, Seigneur de Bethune and Avoue d'Arras, by Adelaide, da. of Hugh III, Count of St. Pol. He thereby became Count of Aumale. (") His castle of Aumale was captured by the King of France in 1 196.() He d. 13 or 14 Oct. 1 2 12 [not 12 11 nor I2i3],() and was bur. in the Abbey of Meaux. His widow gave, 3 Nov. 12 12, 5000 marks, to possess her of Niort, dept. of Deux Sevres, in Poitou, as is evident [w] from the following charter, copied in the Register of Philip Augustus, at the Bibl. du Roi, no. 8408 [the original is at the Trhor des Charles, J 473, no. 5]. Ego A. comitissa Augi notum... quod ego terram de Forz quam habebam... dimisi in manu Icarissimi domini mei Ludovici Regis Francie illustris ad cujus manum devenerat ex eschacta Guillelmi quondam domini de Forz et comitis Aubemarle... MCC tricesimo tertio mense februarii. [The correct text has here been substituted for Stapleton's]. " It is difficult to see how this charter indicates any locality whatever for Fors. Hoveden, vol. iii, p. 36, calls the Count, IVtlUImus de Forz de Ulerum (Ol^ron). Beauchet- Filleau, Diet, des Families du Poitou, mentions a seal of a " de Fors, " bearing a cross patonce with 2 roundels in chief, arms cognate to those of the Counts of Aumale. C) " 1195. Eodem anno obiit Willelmus de Forz comes Albemarlie, cui successit in comitatu illo Baldewinus de Betun dono Ricardi regis Anglie, et duxit uxorem comitissam Albemarlie. " [Hoveden, vol. iii, p. 306). C") The comt^ of Aumale remained to Richard I by the treaty of Jan. 1 195/6. {Trisor des Chartes, J 628, no. 2). Six months afterwards, Philip Augustus " cepit per vim castellum de Albemarlia et subvertit illud, et rex Anglie dedit ei tria millia marcarum argenti pro redemptione militum et servientum suorum qui capti fuerunt in Albemarlia. " [Hoveden, vol. iv, p. 5). In May 1 200, King John promised (in the event of his dying s.p.) " feodum comitis Albemarle citra mare Anglie, " etc., to Louis, s. of the King of France, in marriage "cum filia regis Castelle nepte nostra. " [Trhor des Chartes, J 628, no. 4). After the conquest of Normandy, Philip gave " comitatum Albemalle cum feodis et dominiis " to Renaud de Dammartin, Count of Boulogne, in Dec. 1204 : Renaud gave tiie comt^ in marriage with his only child, Mahaut, to Philip Hurepel, s. of the King of France, in May 1 2 10. [Idem, J 238, nos. 4, 8). The later Counts of Aumale were descended, but not in the male line, from Simon de Dammartin, br. of Renaud. After 1204 the connection of the Lords of Holderness with Aumale was merely nominal. (') The writ to the escheator was issued about Oct. 121 2. [Close Roll, 14 John, m. 4). He d. " iij idus Octobris, " according to the Obituary of Bethune, or " prid. idus Octobris, " and his wife " v idus Martii, " according to that of the Abbey of Choques. (Du Chesne, Afaison de Bethune, i6^g, preuves, p. 66.) The seal attached to a charter of William de Forz Comes AlhemarF bore [Gu.] a cross patonce Vair, and that to a charter of Baldwin de B6thune Comes AlbemarV a shield charged with a chief bendy [Bendy, Or and Azure, was the ancient arms of Bethune] (Harl. MSS., no. 245, fF. 117 d, 118). Baldwin's seal to a charter of 1199 bore the same arms, and his wife's seal bore a shield with a border compony of 16 pieces, or, as it may otherwise be described, Gyronny of 16 and an escutcheon. (Du Chesne, ibid., preuves, p. 61 : see also Addit. Charter, no. 20559, for the latter seal). He had a s. (who may have been by a former wife), " Baldevinus filius Comitis de Albe-