Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/405

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AUMALE COMPLETE PEERAGE 355 inheritance, and that she might not be compelled to marry again. (") She d. 1 1 Mar. 12 13/4. 5. WiLLi.A.M (de Forz), titular Count of Aumale, Lord of Holder- ness, s. and h. of the said Hawise, by her 2nd husband. He had livery of his mother's lands about Sep. 1214. (*) He was one of the 25 Con- servators of Magna Carta. He w., in or soon after 12 14, Aveline, 2nd da., and in her issue coh., of Richard de Montfichet, of Stansted, Essex, by Milicent, his wife. She d. about Nov. 1239, () and was bur. in Thornton Abbey. (°) He d. 29 Mar. 1241, in the Mediterranean. ('") 6. William (de Forz), titular Count of Aumale, Lord of Hol- derness, s. and h. He did homage and had livery of his father's lands, 18 Sep. 1241.Q Hew., istly, before Apr. 1236, Christian, 2nd da. and coh. of Alan, Lord of Galloway, by his 2nd wife (to whom she was elder da. and coh.), Margaret, ist da., and in her issue coh., ot David (of Scotland), Earl of Huntingdon. She d. s.p., shortly before 29 July I246.(^) He m., 2ndly, in i248/9,(*) Isabel, elder da. of Baldwin (de Reviers), Earl of Devon, by Amice, da. of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl OF Gloucester and Hertford. He ^.23 May 1260, () at Amiens, and was bur. in Thornton Abbey. ('") His widow, who was b. in July 1237, (^) had livery of her dower, 9 Aug. 1260, (') and of the lands of her br., Baldwin, Earl of Devon, 17 Aug. 1263,0, after which she styled herself Countess of Aumale and Devon, and Lady of the Isle. (') marla, " who witnessed a charter in 1204 [Idem, preuves., p. 64), and d. v.p. ; and a da., Alice, who m. Wilh'am (Marshal), junior, Earl of Pembroke, and d. s.p. (■) Charter Rods, 14 John, m. 3, and 16 John, m. 7. C") M. Paris, vol. iii, p. 624. He calls her "mulier admirabilis pulchritudinis. " (") Chron. de Melsa, vol. ii, p. 106. C) " In mari Mediterraneo peregrinans, cum nuUo modo posset comedere et octo diebus jejunando martirium protelasset, die veneris proxima ante Pascha. {M. Paris, vol. iv, p. 174). {"} Fine Roll, 25 Hen. Ill, m. 3, and Patent Roll, m. 4. (*) Fine Roll, 30 Hen. Ill, m. 5. There she is erroneously called Dorvorgoyl, which was her sister's name. if) " 1237. Amicia filia Gileberti quondam comitis Gloucestrie peperit filiam Baldewino de Ripariis, nomine Isabel, circa Translationem beati Thome martyris [7 July]." "1248 [1248/9]. Filia comitis Devonie nupsit comiti de Aubemarla." {Annales de Theokesberia, pp. 104, 137). C") The writ to the escheator to take his lands into the King's hand was dated 12 June. {Fine Roll, 44 Hen. Ill, m. 7). (') Close Roll, 44 Hen. Ill, m. 7. Fine Roll, 47 Hen. Ill, m. 3. (^) The King granted her marriage, or the fine, if such she should make, for her said marriage, or the forfeiture due if it happened that she m. without licence, to his s., Edmund, 20 Nov. 1268 {Patent Roll, 53 Hen. Ill, m. 27). On the same roll, m. 7, are two inspeximus charters, dated 24 July, of deeds of 21 July 1269, between the Queen, Edmund, and Amice, Countess of Devon (also styled Countess of the Isle), relating to the settlements on the marriage of Aveline.