Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/406

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356 COMPLETE PEERAGE aumale She d. s.p.s., lo Nov. 1293, at Stockwell, Surrey, and was i>ur. in Breamore Priory, Hants. (") 7. Thomas de Forz, s. and h. by 2nd wife, i>. 9 Sep. 1253. (^) He J. s.p., before 6 Apr. 1269, and was i>ur. in the Church of the Black Friars at Stamford, co. Lincoln. 8. AvELiNE DE FoRZ, Occasionally, but not often, styled Countess of Aumale, sister and h. (") She was />. 20 Jan. 1258/9, at Burstwick, co. York. C) She m. (cont. 6 Apr.Q) 8 or 9 Apr. 1269, at Westm. Abbey, as ist wife, Edmund, afterwards Earl of Lancaster, 2nd s. of Henry III. She d. s.p., 10 Nov. 1274 ('), and was l^ur. in Westm. Abbey. (^) C) By deed, dated Monday before St. Martin [9 Nov.] 1293, she gave the King the Isle of Wight, etc., for 6000 marks. The quittance for the subsequent payment of this sum is guilelessly dated Wednesday before St. Martin [4 Nov.], showing that these deeds {Liber Ruheus, pp. 1 020-2) were forged some years afterwards. (*") He was aged 7 on the morrow of the Nativity of the Virgin, 1260, according to the Inq. p. m. on his father, to whom he was found h. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. Ill, file 24, no. 6). According to a petition by Thomas de Multon and Anthony de Lucy [Coram Rege, Easter, 9 Edw. II, m. 1 1 2) for the manors of Cockermouth, Skipton, etc., the Count had 5 children, John, Thomas, William, Avice, and Aveline. John must have d. before 1 1 Aug. 1260, when Thomas and William, "filii et heredes Willelmi de Fortibus comitis Albemarle, " were in their mother's keeping {Close Roll, 44 Hen. Ill, m. 8d). William d. at Oxford, and was bur. there in the Church of the Black Friars ; whether he survived Thomas or not is unknown. Q Her sister Avice d. before 6 Apr. 1269. She was bur. (it would seem) in the Abbey of Meaux {Chron. de Me/sa, vol. i, p. 92, vol. ii, p. 106). In Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. vi, p. 264, Courthope, etc., she is said to have m. Ingram de Percy [of Levington, co. York, who d.s.p., being poisoned, in 1262]. It is true that the " maritagium filie primogenfte et unius heredum Willelmi de Fortibus que fuit uxor Ingrami de Percy " was given to the Queen, 10 Oct. 1262 {Patent Roll, 46 Hen. Ill, pars 2, m. 2). But, as the marriage of the daughters of William Le Fort was given to this Ingram and two others, 2 Aug. 1259 {Fine Roll, 43 Hen. Ill, m. 4), it is clear that Ingram m. the 1st da. and coh., not of the Count, but of William Le Fort de Vivonne, of Chewton, Somerset, viz., Joan, afterwards wife of Reynold fitz Piers. C) She was aged 14 on the feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian last past, according to her proof of age, undated, but taken between 20 Jan. and 2 Feb. 1272/3. This Inq. states that the Count, her father, had been dead 12 years at Whitsunday last, »'./., he d. on Whitsunday [23 May] 1260. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 4, no. 4). 1^) Charter Roll, 53 Hen. Ill, m. 10. W.Rishanger {Chron., p. 63) and the Annales de Oseneia, p. 221, give the date of her marriage as "sexto idus Aprilis, " the Annales de Wintonia, p. 107, as " v idus Aprilis, " and the Chron. Maiorum et Vice- comitum London., p. 109, as " nono die Aprilis tunc temporis Hokeday. " " In vigilia sancti Martini proximo preterita, " according to the writ of diem cl. txt., dated 7 Nov. [Fine Roll, 2 Edw. I, m. 2). («) On the death of Aveline, one John d'Eston [Eshton, co. York] claimed to be her heir, as descended from Avice, da., as he averred, of William le Gros. This was denied by Philip de Wyvelesby (who claimed to descend from Simon, yr. br. of William), the heirs of Peter de Brus, and those of Amabel, wife of Reynold