Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/429

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BALFOUR COMPLETE PEERAGE 379 EARLDOM [S.] V. BARONY [S.] VI. > 1736. 5 and 6. James (Lindsay), Earl of Balcarres, ^c. [S.], br. and h., being yst. s. of the 3rd Earl, ^. 14 Nov. 1691. Lieut. R.N. He joined his father in the Rising of 1715, andwas Capt. of a troop which acted with great gallantry at the battle of SherifFmuir. He was, however, pardoned and made Lieut, in the 2nd or Royal North British Reg. of Dragoons (Scots Greys), under his uncle Sir James Campbell ; commanded a squadron at the battle of Dettingen in 1743, but retired after the battle of Fontenoy, 1745, in which his said uncle was slain. He devoted the rest of his life to literature, and to the improvement of his estate. When in his 60th year he m., 24 Oct. 1749, at Edinburgh, Anne, da. of Sir Robert Dalrymple, of Castleton, by his 2nd wife, Anne, da. of Sir William Cunningham, of Caprington. He d. 20 Feb. 1768, in his 77th year, at Balcarres, and was l>ur. there. C) His widow, who was l>. 25 Dec. 1727, ^. 20 Nov. 1820, at Balcarres. (") Will pr. June 1825. EARLDOM [S.] VL BARONY [S.] VH. 1768. 6 and 7. Alexander (Lindsay), Earl OF Balcarres ^c. [S.], s. and h., I?. 18 Jan. 1752. On the death of his cousin, George (Lindsay), 20th Earl of Crawford [S.], who d. s.p., 30 Jan. 1808, he should de jure have sue. to that Earldom, which was confirmed to his son after reference to the House of Lords in 1848 (23 years after his death on 27 Mar. 1825). See " Crawford, " Earldom of [S.]. BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH BARONY [S.J I. Michael Balfour, of Burleigh Castle, in Orwell, -. , CO. Kinross, s. and h. of Sir James B., of Pittendreich, co. 1. 1007. pj^^^ President of the Court of Session [S.], who d. 1583, by Margaret, da. and h. of Michael Balfour, of Burleigh afsd., obtained charters (v.p.) of lands in co. Fife and co. Banff in 1569 and 1577. He (") His da. Anne describes him as " an accomplished gentleman, a reasoning philosopher, a judicious farmer, and a warm partisan. " Of her mother she writes: — " She was fair, blooming, and lively; her beauty and embonpoint charmed my dear, tail, lean, majestic father.. .. She had worth, honour, activity, good sense, good spirits, economy, justice, friendship, generosity — -everything but softness. " V.G. C) Of their eleven children, the eldest, Anne,"^. 8 Dec. 1750, ra., 31 Oct. 1793, Andrew Barnard, Secretary to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, who d. there 27 Oct. 1807, s.p. This was the celebrated Lady Anne Barnard, the authoress (1772) of " Auld Robin Gray, " ^c. She d. 6 May 1825, in her 75th year. Her youngest sister, Elizabeth, Countess of Hardwicke {h. 1 1 Oct 1763, d. 26 May 1858), outlived the birth of her grandfather, Earl Colin (abovenamed) by no less a period than 207 years.