Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/430

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380 COMPLETE PEERAGE balfour was knighted before 1592 ; sat in convention 1599, and had charter of the Barony of Burleigh 29 Nov. 1606, in which year he is stated to have been Ambassador both to the Grand Duke of Tuscany and to the Duke of Lorraine. On 16 July 1607, he was cr. LORD BALFOUR OF BUR- LEIGH, CO. Kinross [S.], without mention of heirs in the patent of creation. (") P.C. He appears to have been one of the Scots peers sum. to the Irish House of Lords by writ 1 1 Mar. 1 613/4. Q) On 7 Sep. 16 14, he obtained a charter of the Barony of Kilwinning " with the title of Lord OF Kilwinning, " to him and his heirs and assigns whatever. (") He m. Margaret, ("") da. of ( — ) Lundin of that ilk. He d'. 15 Mar. 161 9. Will confirmed i o July 1 620, at St. Andrews. His widow d. at Kilmany, co. Fife. Will confirmed 26 Apr. 1626, at St. Andrews. II. 1619. 2. Margaret, suo jure Baroness Balfour of Bur- leigh [S.], da. and sole h. She m. (settl. Sep. 1606) Robert Arnot, of Fernie, co. Fife, who assumed the name of Balfour. By virtue of a letter from the King, he sat as a peer (LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH) in the Pari. [S.], 25 Jan. 1621, and on 11 June 1640 was chosen President of the Session. P.C. He was defeated by Montrose at Aberdeen, 12 Sep. 1644, and again at Kilsyth, 15 Aug. 1645. -^^ opposed the " Engagement " to march into England for the rescue of the King. In 1649 he was one of the Colonels for co. Fife, and one of the Commissioners of the Treasury and Exchequer. The Baroness d. June 1639, at Edinburgh, and was bur. at Orwell. He d. at Burleigh, 10, and was bur. 12 Aug. 1663, " in his parish church. " III. 1639 3. John (Balfour), Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.], or only s. and h. He m., early in 1649, in London, Isabel, 1663. da. of Sir William Balfour, of Pitcullo, Lieut, of the Tower of London. Settl. (post nuptial) 24 Nov. 1666. This marriage his father endeavoured to get set aside. He was living 10 Dec. 1696, but d. before Feb. iS^Sjj. IV. 1696 4. Robert (Balfour), Lord Balfour OF Burleigh [S.], or s. and h., sat in the Pari, of 1698. He n?. Margaret, ist 1697 da. of George (Melville), ist Earl of Melville [S.J, by Catharine, da. of Alexander Leslie, Master of Leven, slykd Lord Balgonie. He d. July 1713. She was b. 2S Oct. 1658. (') See note sub John, Earl of Carrick (in Orkney) [1628]. () See ante, p. 2 note ' c. " (°) The abbey lands of Kilwinning, erected into a Lordship, were granted, 5 Jan. 1603/4, to Hugh (Montgomerie) Earl of Eglintoun, who settled them in 16 n on his cousin and successor in title, from whom they were taken. They were, however, re-conveyed to him by Lord Balfour of Burleigh for 8000 marks. V.G. C) Mariot Adamson, sometimes attributed to him as a first wife, was the wife of another Michael Balfour, of Montquhany. V.G.