Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/432

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382 COMPLETE PEERAGE balfour claim. (") He w., istly, i2 Apr. 1825, Anne, ist da. of William Mur- ray, of Touchadam and Polmaise, by a da. of ( — ) Spiers, of Culcreugh, near Fintry. She d. s.p., 19 May 1846, at Kennet. He w., 2ndly, 22 Apr. 1848, at Clackmannan, Jane Dalrymple Hamilton, da. of Sir James Fergusson, of Kilkerran, 4th Bart. [S.], by his 2nd wife, Henrietta, da. of Adam (Duncan), ist Viscount Duncan of Camperdown. He d. 13 Aug. 1864, aged 68. His widow was living 19 10. VI. 1869. 6. Alexander Hugh Bruce, s. and h. by 2nd wife. He, but for the attainder, would have been entitled to the Peerage in 1864. His claim to the Barony having been allowed by the House of Lords, 23 July 1868, he, when the attainder was reversed, by Act of Pari., ic) Mar. 1869, became LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH [S.]. C') He was b. 13 Jan. 1849, at Kennet, and bap. at Clackmannan. Ed. at Eton ; Matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 19 Oct. 1867 ; B.A. and 2nd class, 1871. Rep. Peer [S.], 1876 (Conservative Free Trader). Education Commissioner [S.], 1882-90; a Lord in Waiting 1887-88; Sec. to the Board of Trade 1888-92 ; P.C. 28 June 1892 ; Sec. for Scotland 1 895-1 903 ; Lord Rector of Edinburgh Univ. 1896-99 ; Pres. of the Highland and Agric. Soc. 1 899-1900 ; Chanc. of St. Andrew's Univ. since 1900 ; K.T. 18 Mar. 1901 ; Gov. of the Bank of Scotland 1904; Warden of the Stannaries since 1908. (°) Hew., 21 Nov. 1876, at St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, Katherine Eliza, yst. da. of George John (Gordon), 5th Earl of Aberdeen [S.], by Mary, 2nd da. of George Baillie, of Jerviswood. She was b. 16 Oct. 1852, at the Ranger's House, Blackheath. [Robert Bruce, styled Master of Burleigh, s. and h. ap., b. 25 Sep. 1880, at Edinburgh.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 2,700 acres in the counties of Clackmannan, Perth, and Stirling, worth about ;^3,400 a year. The estate of Blairgowrie, co. Perth, was sold in 1891 for ;^2o,ioo to Lieut. Col. Hare. Principal Residence. — Kennet House, near Alloa, co. Clackmannan. C) The rival claim of Walter Francis Balfour, of Fernie, h. male of the body of John, Lord Balfour, the 3rd holder of that title (through his 2nd s. Col. John B. who had been found guilty of high treason at Carlisle in 1 7 16) was referred, May i86i, to the committee of the House of Lords. (*') "No claim for this peerage was ever made by my family till 1861. No attainder at all was reversed, I believe, until after the accession of George IV, anyhow not till the late years of George III, and then only to direct heirs. Reversing the attainder in favour of collaterals was a later process. Though my family knew their right they could not prove it till the accidental discovery of the patent in an oak chest here [Kennet, Alloa] in 1858." (Lord Balfour to V.G., Mar 1897.) C') He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies. For a list of these (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G.