Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/433

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BALFOUR COMPLETE PEERAGE 383 BALFOUR [of Glenawley] BARONY [1.] I. Sir James Balfour of Glenawley [rectius Clanawley], J ^ CO. Fermanagh, yr. br. of Michael, ist Lord Balfour of "■ Burleigh [S.], 2nd s. of Sir James B., of Pittendreich, co. Fife, by Margaret, da. and h. of Michael Balfour, of Burleigh, co. Kinross, received by charter from his parents, 28 Mar. 1587, lands at Costertoun, CO. Edinburgh, and (having risen high in favour with James I, and obtained several grants of lands in Ireland), was, on 8 Nov. 1619, cr. LORD BALFOUR, BARON OF GLENAWLEY, co. Fermanagh [I.]. He «;., istly, Grisold, da. and h. of Patrick Balfour, of Pitcullo, co. Fife, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. (") He w/., 2ndly, Elizabeth, formerly wife of Sir John Leslie, of Balquhain (whom she had divorced for adultery, 9 Mar. 1597/8), da. of George (Hay), 6th Earl of Erroll [S.], and only child by his 2nd wife, Helen, da. of Walter Bruce, of Pitcullen, co. Perth. He »/., 3rdly, before 1627, Anne, da. of Edward (Blayney) 1st Lord Blayney [L], by Anne, da. of Adam Loftus, Arch- bishop of Dublin and Chancellor [L]. She was living Aug. 1628. He d. in London, 18, and was bur. 24 Oct. 1634, at St. Anne's, Blackfriars. Fun. cert, in Ulster's office, 29 July 1635. (") Will. dat. 16 Oct. 1634, pr. 5 Mar. 1634/5 at Dublin. Admon. 15 May 1635, pending a suit between Alexander and James Balfour, the sons of deceased. Will pr. (again) 2 June 1636. IL 1634. 2. James (Balfour), Lord Balfour, Baron of Glen- awley [L], s. and h., by ist wife. He m., before 1623, Ann, widow of William Warren, da. of Sir Francis Gouldsmith, of Crayford, Kent, by Catherine, da. of Edward Oundley, of Catesby, co. Northampton. He d. s.p., 26 Feb. 1635/6. Will as "James Balfour, of St. Mary le Savoy, Strand, Esq., s. and h. of Sir James, late Baron of Glen- awley," dat. 15 Feb. 1635/6, making his wife executrix, pr. 9 Mar. 1635/6, by Ann, the relict. lug. p.m. taken at Newtown, co. Fermanagh, 23 May 1639, in which he is styled " Baro de Clonawley. " IIL 1636 3. Alexander (Balfour) Lord Balfour, Baron of to Glenawley [L], only br. and h., was m. and of full age . when he sue. to the title, (") but nothing more is known about him. He is presumed to have d. s.p., shortly after 1636. At his death the title became extinct. C) Of these Anne, the 2nd da., m., istly, Sir John Wemyss ; 2ndly, before 1639, Archibald Hamilton of Ballygally co. Tyrone, who d. s.p., 10 May 1659, being br. of Hugh Hamilton, cr. Baron Hamilton of Glenawley [L], 2 Mar. 1660. () Printed in Foster's Collectanea Genealogica. i^') The fact that he did so succeed has never hitherto been recognised in any peerage. It is proved by the following Inq. p. m. of the ist Lord, dat. 23 May 1639 (the same day as another Inq. p. m. mentioned in text), of which a copy has been kindly furnished me by G.D.Burtchaell. It finds that James Balfour _i.e. the 2nd