Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/435

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BALLioL COMPLETE PEERAGE 385 BALLINGARD see BELLINGUARD BALLIOL, or BALIOL John Balliol() 3rd, but ist surv. s. of John B. (sometime Regent of Scotland), by Devorgild, 2nd da. and coh. of Alan, Lord of Galloway, was i*. about 1240, being aged 40, 29 Nov. 1280, and was sum. to attend the King at Shrewsbury, 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, by writ directed (') Johannide Balliolo. HepossessedtheBaronyofBywell, Northumberland, and Barnard's Castle, co. Durham. C) In right of his descent, through his mother Devorgild, from David I, he was crowned King of Scotland at Scone, 30 Nov. 1292, having been awarded the Crown by Edward 1. In 1295 he lost his English Barony of Bywell, which was given to John of Britanny, Earl of Richmond, nephew of Edward I. He abdicated 10 July 1296. After being detained for some three years as a prisoner in England, he went to France. He w., before Feb. 12 80/1, Isabel, da. of John (Warenne) Earl of Surrey. He d. between 4 Mar. 13 13/4 and 4 Jan. 13 14/5, Q in France. BARONY I. Edward Balliol, s. and h., was a prisoner in the BY WRIT(') Tower at his father's death. He did not succeed to the J Barony of Bywell which had been forfeited, but, by the J+y English interest, was crowned King of Scotland 24 Sep. ^ f- i33-> ^nd having fled from that Kingdom in the Dec. ■^ ^ -^ ^" following, was sixteen years afterwards sum. to the English C) The locality from which this family derived its name was generally presumed to be in Normandy, until it was shown by J. H. Round from a charter of Bernard de Balliol {Calendar of Documents in France, p. 513) that the family was of Picard origin, and sprang from Bailleul in the modern department of the Somme. V.G. Though many genealogists, English and French, have supposed he took his name from Bailleul in Normandy, and have even pointed out his tomb at Bailleul- sur-Eaune, near Rouen, the place in question was, on the contrary, Bailleul-en- Vimeu (canton of Hallencourt, Somme), Vimeu being a district in Picardy [cf. Genealogist, N.S., vol. viii, p. 217). In 3 charters, of dates from 1304 to 4 Mar. 1 313/4, he styles himself " Jehans rois dEscoce et sires de Bailleul en Vimeu" (R. de Belleval, "Jean de Bailleul, Roi d Ecosse, 1 866, appendix, nos. 4, 5, 7). In betrothing his s., Edward, 23 Oct. 1295, to a da. of Charles, Count of Valois [the marriage did not take place], he gave her dower in his seigneuries of Bailleul, Hornoy, and H^licourt, all in Vimeu. {ex inform. G.W.Watson.) V.G. C") By the death of his two elder brothers (of whom Hugh d. s.p. before 10 Apr. 1271, and Alexander before 13 Nov. 1278) he became head of the great house of Balliol. His parents were, in 1263, founders of Balliol College, Oxford. i^) As to this supposed Pari., see Preface. C") His arms were Gules a voided scutcheon silver, {ex inform. Oswald Barron). V.G. C) He d. shortly before 4 Jan. 1 314/5 {New Foedera, vol. ii, pt. i, p. 260). V.G. (') "It seems clear that the writ of 22 Edw. Ill must be regarded as having cr. a Barony and that the title of this Barony is Balliol. " {ex inform. H. Gough.) 50