Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/436

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386 COMPLETE PEERAGE balliol Pari., I Jan. and again lo Mar. (1348/9) 22 Edw. Ill, by writs beginning " Rex Magnifico Principi et fideli suo Edwardo de Balliolo Regi Scotie consanguineo suo charissimo salutem." He d. s.p. (") between May 1363 and Sep. 1365, (^) when any Peerage dignity that may be supposed (°) to have been cr. by these writs became extinct. ( ) BALLIOL, or BALIOL (of Cavers) BARONY I. Sir Alexander Balliol (') of Cavers, CO. Roxburgh, BY WRIT. s. of Sir Henry B., of the same, by Lora, (w. before 1233) T one of the three daughters and coheirs of William de -^ ■ Valoignes, C) Chamberlain of Scotland, was a younger br. of Guy Balliol (standard bearer to de Montfort at the battle of Evesham C) It is erroneously stated by Summonte, Hist, di Napo/i, and those following him, that he m. Margherita, da. of Filippo, Prince of Taranto. She m., in 1348, Francesco del Balzo, Duke of Andria. See Genealogist, N.S., vol. xii, pp. 247-8, and the authorities there cited, {ex infirm. G.W.Watson.) V.G. () He was living, 27 May 1363, at Wheatley near Doncaster, where he had resided for many years on a pension from Edward III. On 6 Sep. 1365, Raoul de Coucy, knt., Seigneur de la Fert^-Gaucher, brought two suits in the Pari, of Paris " ratione terre de Ballolio etc ut consanguineus et heres proximior defunct! Edouardi domini de Ballolio. " (Du Chesne, Maison de Guines et de Coucy, preuves, pp. 440-1). A document in the Scottish Calendar, vol. iv, no. 168, of date 20 May 1370, cannot therefore be interpreted as the editor in his preface suggests, viz. that Edward Balliol was then alive, {ex infirm. G.W.Watson.) V.G. (°) As to how far these early writs of summons did, in fact, cr. any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. (") His 4 sisters were (i) Margaret, who d. unm. (ii) Ada, wife of William de Lindsay, (iii) Cicely, wife of John de Burgh, (iv) Mary, wife of John Comyn of Badenoch. Some genealogists add (but in error) a fifth sister, Anne, wife of Brian Fitz Alan of Bedale ; see under " Fitz Alan (of Bedale). " Christian, sole da. and h. of Ada (the ist da. who left issue), m. Enguerrand de Guines, Sire de Coucy, whose great-grandson, Enguerrand, Sire de Coucy (Earl of Bedford), left 3 das. and coheirs : the ist of whom, Marie, m. Henri de Bar. Their grand-daughter and h., Jeanne de Bar, m. Louis de Luxembourg, Count of St. Pol and Brienne, whose s. and h., Pierre, left 2 daughters and coheirs, the elder of whom, Marie, m. Frangois de Bourbon, Count of Vendome, great-grandfather of Henry IV of France. Thus the heir of line to David I is in the House of Bourbon. {ex inform. G.W.Watson). V.G. (^) An able paper by J. A. C.Vincent in " The Genealogist" N.S., vol. vi, p. i, fully proves the parentage of this Alexander, and that the commonly received notion that he was a younger br. of John Balliol, King of Scotland, is erroneous. See also Surtees' Durham, vol. iv, p. 58, note " f, " where (as also in Hodgson's Northumber- land, part 2, vol. ii, p. 42) an elaborate pedigree of Balliol will be found. (') A pedigree shewing the extinction of the Barony of Valoignes is contributed by James Greenstreet to N. is" Q., 6th Ser., vol. v, p. 142. See p. 290 of the same vol., for an amplification thereof by J. A.C.Vincent, as also pp. 61 and 389 of the same. See also J. H. Round's " Comyn and Valoignes " {The Ancestor, no. xi, p. 133).