Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/437

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BALLYANE COMPLETE PEERAGE 387 and there slain, in 1265), was in possession of his paternal estate before 6 Apr. 1272, and was sometime (between 1287 and 1294) Chamberlain of Scotland. He fought in Flanders in 1297, at Falkirk in 1298, and at Carlaverock in 1300. Having ;«., about 1270, after 7 Nov. 1270, Isabel, widow of David (of Strathbogie), Earl of Atholl [S.], sister and coh. of Richard Chilham, or Dover, da. of Richard Fitz Roy (a natural s. of King John), by Roese, da. and h. of Fulbert of Dover, all of Chilham, Kent, he acquired that Lordship in her right, and was sum. to attend the King at Shrewsbury 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, (") by writ addressed Alexandra de BalUolo de ChUeham^ and to Pari, by writs addressed Alexandra de Balliolo, from 26 Sep. (1300) 28 Edw. I, to 22 Feb. (1306/7) 35 Edw. I. (") His wife d. <^1, (before i May) and was bur. in Canterbury Cathedral. ('^) He was living 19 Apr. 1310, but </. before June I3ii.() He was sue. in the lordship of Cavers by his s., Sir Thomas Balliol, who was living 7 Feb. 13 12/3, but ' soon disappears from record. " f') BALLYANE BARONY FOR i. Cahir {i.e. Charles) Mc Art Cavanagh, " Chief LIFE [I.] ot his Sept " (whose ancestors at the time of the English T invasion of Ireland were Kings of Leinster), was by ^^^ patent, 8 Feb. (1553/4), (') i Mary, cr. BARON OF J :° BALLYANE, co. Wexford [I.], " with seat and place ^-*- in all Parliaments and Councils like all other Barons of Ireland " [but merely] for life. For the better support of this dignity he had a grant of the office of Captain over his kindred and others, i&c., also (') As to this supposed Pari., see Preface, circa finem. C") See note " c " on previous page. C^) The history of his descendants is obscure. Thomas Balliol (probably his grandson), resigned the Lordship of Cavers in Mar. 1368 to William, Earl of Douglas [S.]. This Thomas is frequentlv spoken of (1360, C5"c.) as "brother to the Earl of Mar " [S.], and, to account for this relationship, some make him to be s. and h. of another Alexander Balliol (s. and h. of the Alexander mentioned in the text), by Isabel, widow of Donald, Earl of Mar (mother of Thomas Earl of Mar afsd.), da. of Sir John Stewart, of Bonkil. Others make this Thomas Balliol a son (instead of a grandson) of the Alexander mentioned in the text, his mother (as in the previous con- jecture) being the said Isabel Countess of Mar, whom they state to have been a 2nd wife of his father. Isabel, sister of the said Thomas Balliol, appears to have been his h., and was given by David II in marriage to Ranald More. " So ended, " says Crawford in his Officers of State [S.], " the family of the Baliols after they had continued in great lustre in this realm for upwards of 200 years. " (*) His s. Alexander was a prisoner at Berkhampsted, 12 Oct. 1 30 1. On 28 Mar. 1 310 he was released from the Tower, his father having become surety for his loyalty _Close Rolls']. Alexander B. was living 1316 _Feudal Aids']. Alexander B. was living 1346 ]_Feudal Aids]. V.G. (') Genealogist, N.S., vol. iv, pp. 1 4 1-3, in an article by Joseph Bain, F.S.A. Scot. (') " Cahir McArte Kavanagh to be a Baron. " Instructions from Queen Mary to the Lord Deputy St. Leger, Oct. 1553. V.G.