Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/459

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BANDON COMPLETE PEERAGE 409 VISCOUNT BANDON of Bandonbridge, co. Cork [I.]; and on 29 Aug. 1800, VISCOUNT BERNARD and EARL OF BANDON [I.]. C) Rep. peer [I.] (Tory) 1801-30, being one of the original 28 elected at the time of the Union. He m., 12 Feb. 1784 (mar. lie. 11 Feb. at Dublin), Catharine Henrietta, da. of Richard (Boyle), 2nd Earl of Shannon, by Catharine, da. of the Rt. Hon. John Ponsonby. She, who was k 12 Jan. 1768, d. 8 July 1815, at Castle Bernard, and was l>ur. at Ballymodan, co. Cork. He d. 26 Nov. 1830, suddenly, at Castle Bernard, on his 75th birthday. (") II. 1830. 2. James (Bernard), Earl of Bandon, i^c. [I.], s. and h., ^. 14 June 1785. M.P. (Tory) for Youghal 1806-07, 1818-20; for CO. Cork 1 807-1 8; for Bandon 1820-26, and Aug. to Nov. 1830. Hon. D.C.L. (Oxford) 1832 ; Rep. PEER [I.] 1835. C') LL.D. (Cambridge) ; Lord Lieut, of co. Cork 1842 till his death ; F.R.S. 5 June 1845 ; Recorder of Bandon, {ffc. He m., 13 Mar. 1809, at the Cathedral, Cashel, Mary Susan Albinia, ist. da. of the Hon. Charles Brodrick, Archbishop of Cashel, by Mary, da. of Richard Woodward, Bishop of Cloyne. He d. at Castle Bernard, 31 Oct., and was l>ur. 5 Nov. 1856, at Bandon, aged 71. M.I. Will pr. Feb. 1857. His widow, who was ^. 9 Oct. 1787, d. 23, and was iur. 29 Apr. 1870, at Bandon. M.I. III. 1856. 3. Francis (Bernard), Earl of Bandon, fsfc. [I.], s. and h., i. 3 Jan. 18 10, in Grosvenor Str., Midx. Ed. at Oriel Coll. Oxford; B.A. 1830; M.A. 1834; M.P. (Conservative) for Bandon, Jan. to July 1831, and 1842-56; Rep. peer [I.] 1858 ; D.C.L. ; Lord Lieut, of co. Cork 1874 till his death. He m., 16 Aug. 1832, at Brighton, Catherine Mary, ist da. of Thomas Whitmore, of Apley, Salop, by Catherine, da. and h. of Thomas Thomason, of York. She d. 15 Dec. 1873, at Castle Bernard. He d. there, 17 Feb. 1877, aged 67. IV. 1877. 4. James Francis (Bernard), Earl of Bandon, Vis- count Bandon, Viscount Bernard and Baron Bandon [I.], only s. and h., ^. 12 Sep. 1850; ed. at Eton. Sheriff of Co. Cork 1875, as Viscount Bernard; State Steward to the Lord Lieut. [I.] 1876-77; Lord Lieut, of CO. Cork, since 1877; Rep. Peer [I.] (Conservative) i88i. K.P. 29 Aug. 1900. He m., 22 June 1876, at St. Michael's, Chester Sq., Midx., Georgiana Dorothea Harriet, only child of George Patrick Percy (Evans-Freke), 7th Lord Carbery [I.], by Harriet Maria Catherine, da. of Lieut. Gen. Edmund William Shuldham, of Dunmanway, co. Cork. She was i>. 3 Nov. 1853. it for many years, acting as war correspondent, editor, and military critic. " (Obit, notice Morning Post.) V.G. (") See volume iii, Appendix H, for a list of the 47 peerages [I.] cr. in the last 12 months before the Union. V.G. C') In 1799 his Irish estates were stated to be worth £18,000 p.a. See vol. iv. Appendix C, for a list of the largest resident Irish landlords at that date. V.G. (') He voted for the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. V.G. 53