Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/460

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4IO COMPLETE PEERAGE banff Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 40,940 acres, co. Cork, of the annual value of about ;^I9,2I5. Principal Residence : — Castle Bernard, near Bandon, co. Cork. BANDONBRIDGE i.e. " Bandonbridge, CO. Cork " Barony [I.] (Boyle), cr. 1628, with the Viscountcy Boyle of Kynalmeaky [I.], which see. i.e. "Bandon of Bandonbridge, co. Cork" Barony [I.], cr. 1793 ; Viscountcy [1.] (Boyle), cr. 1795 ; see ' Bandon ' Earldom [I.]. BANFF BARONY [S.] I. George Ogilvy, of Banff and Dunlugus, co. Banff, . , s. and h. of Sir Walter O., of the same, by Helen, ^ ■ da. of Walter Urquhart, of Cromarty, was cr. a Baron- et [S.], 30 July 1627, and having distinguished himself against the Covenanters, 19 June 1639, at the bridge of Dee, was cr. by the King, by patent dat. at Nottingham, 31 Aug. 1642, LORD OF BANFF [S.], "to him and his heirs male for ever bearing the name and arms ot Ogilvy." (") In revenge for the part he had taken against them, his fine house and gardens at Banff were wrecked by the Covenanting army. The King gave him 10,000 marks towards repairing his losses. In 1654 he was fined

^iooo by Cromwell. He m., istly, before 9 Mar. 1610/1, Margaret, da.

of Sir Alexander Irvine, of Drum. She d. s.p.m. He m., 2ndly, Janet, da. of William Sutherland, of Duffus. On 30 July 1629 she complained to the Privy Council of his cruelty to her and her children. He d. 1 1 Aug. 1663. II. 1663. 2. George Ogilvy, Lord Banff [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife. M.P. tor co. Nairn 1644. Like his father, an active loyalist, and fought for Charles II at Worcester. He m. Agnes, da. of Alexander (Falconer), ist Lord Falconer of Halkertoun [S.], by Ann, only child of John (Lindsay), 9th Lord Lindsay of the Byres [S.]. He d. Mar. 1668. His widow d. Mar. 1708. Fun. entry at Lyon office. C). III. 1668. 3. George (Ogilvy), Lord Banff [S.], s. and h., bap. 9 Sep. 1649. He renounced the Roman Catholic faith, and taking his seat in Pari., 3 Oct. 1706, was a zealous supporter of the (*) The preamble to the patent is in Douglas, p. 192. C') At that date she is there entered as ' Grizel Falconer, Lady BanflF, ' yet her name was probably, as in Wood's Douglas, jignes, and her death as ' /^gnes Falconer, Lady Banff' on 4 Jan. 1711 [w] at. 85, at Forglen, is recorded in the Diary of John Row, Principal of King's Coil. V.G.