Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/461

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BANFF COMPLETE PEERAGE 411 Union. (*) He m. (cont. 22 Sep. 1669), Jean, 3rd and yst da. of William (Keith), 7th Earl Marischal [S.], by his ist wife, Elizabeth, da. of George (Seton), 2nd Earl of Wintoun [S.]. On 5 Feb. 1685 she made complaint of her husband refusing to cohabit with her. She was living 1687. He d. Nov. 1 7 13, aged 64, perishing in the fire which destroyed his house at Inchdruer, co. Banff. (") IV. 1 7 13. 4. George (Ogilvy), Lord Banff [S.], s. and h., bap. 4 Aug. 1670, at Banff. He m., 11 Jan. 1712, Helen, da. of Sir John Lauder, 2nd Bart. [S.], of Fountainhall, a Lord of Session, by Janet, da. of Sir Andrew Ramsay, Bart. [S.]. He d. 1717/8, before 12 Jan., aged 47. His widow w., 27 June 1721, Alexander Gordon, of Glengerrack. She w., 3rdly, James Hay, Merchant in Banff, and d. 22 Oct. 1742. V. 171 8. 5. John George (Ogilvy), Lord Banff [S.], 3rd, but 1st surv. C) s. and h., b. 18 Feb. 17 17. He w., 18 Aug. 1735, in the Fleet Prison, Mary, da. of Capt. James Ogilvy. He d. s.p., being drowned while bathing at the Black rocks, near CuUen, 29 July, and was bur.i Aug. 1738, at Banff, aged 21. His widow m. the Rev. Thomas Kemp, D.D., Rector of St. Michael's, Crooked lane, London, who d. 21 July 1769, aged 69. She d. 31 Jan. 1784, aged 69. Both bur. at Cheam, Surrey. M.L Her will, dat. i Oct. 1773 to 28 Jan. 1784, pr. 1 1 Feb. 1784. VL 1738. 6. Alexander (Ogilvy), Lord Banff [S.], br. and h., bap. 12 July 17x8, at Banff, being a posthumous child. Ent. the Navy 16 Feb. 1732/3. () Capt. R.N., 1741 ; Commander, 1742-43, of the ' Hastings ' man of war, when he captured a Spanish Privateer. In recog- nition of his gallantry, he received the freedom of the City of Glasgow, in 1743. ^^ d- unm., at Lisbon, Nov. 1746, and was bur. 10 May 1747, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, in his 29th year. Admon. 5 July 1750 and 12 June 1751 on behalf of his uterine brothers, " Hon. Charles Hay, James Hay and William Hay, Esquires, " minors. VII. 1746. 7. Alexander (Ogilvy), Lord Banff [S.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Alexander O., the younger, of Forglen, co. Banff, by Jane, da. of Benjamin Frend, of Ballyrehy, King's Co., which Alexander O. was s. and eventually h. ap. (dying v.p.) of the (*) " Never was a vote more cheaply purchased, as it appears from the account of the Earl of Glasgow, exhibited upon oath, that Lord Banff's share of the ;^20,ooo distributed on this occasion was only £1 1 2s. od. " {Douglas, p. 193.) C") The date given in Row's Diary, quoted above, is 30 Jan. 17 13, and he is there called " an man of an very eivell life. " (Scottish Notes and Queries.) V.G. f) The 1st s., George, hap. 20 Feb. 17 14, and the 2nd s., George, bap. 28 Nov. 1 7 15, both d. infants. V.G. C) The particulars of his outfit, and the sums disbursed therefor, are given in The Genealogist, vol. xxv, pt. 4, pp. 264-5. V.G.