Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/462

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412 COMPLETE PEERAGE bangor Hon. Sir Alexander Ogilvy, Bart. [S.], of Forglen afsd. (so cr. 1701), who was 2nd s. of George, 2nd Lord Banff [S.]. He sue. his said grandfather in his estate and Baronetcy in 1727, some 19 years before he sue. his cousin in the peerage. He m., 2 Apr. 1749, at Edinburgh, Jean, (") da. of "William Nisbet, of Dirleton, co. Haddington. He rf'. i Sep. 1771, at Forglen. Will dat. 2 Aug. 1766, pr. 19 Mar. 1773. His widow ^. 29 Aug. 1790, at Forglen. [Alexander Ogilvy, sty/eci Master of Banff, s. and h. ap. He </. young and unm., v.p., 1763]. VIII. 1771 8. William (Ogilvy), Lord Banff, 2nd, but 1st surv. to s. and h. He served, under the Duke of York, as an 1 803. officer in the Enniskillen (6th) Reg. of Dragoons; Cornet, 1773 ; Lieut., 1778 ; Capt., 1780 ; retired 1794. He d'. unm., 4 June 1803, at Forglen, when the issue male of the istLord became extinet, and the Peerage (if not extinct) became dormant. C') The Peerage was claimed by petition in June 18 12, and again in June 1 8 19, (°) by Sir William Ogilvy of Boyne [d. at Edinburgh, 8 June 1825) as the descendant and h. male of George O. of Boyne, elder br. of Sir Walter O. of Dunkigus, the great grandfather of the first Lord Banff [S.]. See Lords' Journals., vol. 48, p. 920 ; vol. 52, p. 790. In Burke's Extinct Peerage for 1866 it was stated to be then "claimed" by Alexander Ogilvie, M.D., Dep. Inspector Gen. Royal Artillery, as "male descendant and representative of George Ogilvy, 2nd Baron Boyne, and as heir male of George, ist Baron Ogilvy of Banff. " This claimant, who was b. 9 May 1789, left an only child, Alexander Walter Armstrong Ogilvie, Capt. R.A. {b. 20 Jan. 1834, m. 5 June i860, d. 21 June 1865), who left an only child Alexander Ogilvie. BANGOR i.e. "Bangor, co. Down" Earldom [I.] (Schomberg), cr. 1691, with if) She was sister of the wife of the 8th Earl of Leven, and of the ist wife of the so-called 5th Lord Ruthven of Freeland. V.G. (*>) The estates, which were all in co. Banff, went to Jane, his eldest sister, wife of Sir George Abercromby, 4th Bart. [S.] of Birkenbog, co. Banff, and afterwards of Forglen House, which thereafter became the principal residence of the Abercromby family. C') The claim is very absurd. William Ogilvy was, 19 Feb. 1812, served h. male of his cousin, Sir Patrick O., of Boyne, Bart., and h. gen. of his great-great- grandfather, Alexander O., of Boyne. Sir Patrick, however, was not a Baronet, and why serve to him, as he left at least two sons who long surv. him ? Alexander O. of Boyne, who d. an old man in 1606, could not be so few generations removed from the claimant. Then in the Banff line extinctions would need to be proved up to about 1500. {ex inform. R.R.Stodart.) Robert Riddle Stodart, h. 16 Nov. 1827, Lyon Clerk 1863, to whose unfailing kindness the former editor was indebted for able revision of the earlier notices in the Scottish Peerage, d. before the 1st vol. was completed, 19 Apr. 1886. An appre- ciative notice of him is in The Genealogist, N.S., vol. iii, pp. 129-135.