Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/470

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420 COMPLETE PEERAGE bardolf megey. He w., before 8 July 1382, Anice or Amice, da. of Ralph (Crom- well), Lord Cromwell of Tattershall, by Maud, da. of John de Bernake, heiress of Tattershall, co. Lincoln. In 1405 he joined the Earl of North- umberland in his rebellion, and with him fled to Scotland, and was declared by Pari, to be a traitor, 4 Dec. 1406, (") when the peerage hccdime. forfeited. Returning, however, he was defeated at Bramham Moor, co. York, 19 Feb. 1407/8, () and d. s.p.m., of his wounds, a few hours subsequently, aged 38, his remains being afterwards quartered, and his head placed on one of the gates of Lincoln. Q His widow ^. i July 1421. VI. 1437 } I. Sir William Phelip, of Bennington, co. Suffolk, to Erpingham, co. Norfolk, ts'c., s. and h. of Sir William P., 1441. of Dennington, by Julian, da. and in her issue h. of Sir Robert Erpingham, of Erpingham, was b. 1383. He m., before 1407, Joan, (^) 2nd and yst. of the two daughters and coheirs of Thomas (Bardolf), Lord Bardolf, and Anice, his wife abovenamed. He served at Agincourt, 25 Oct. 1415, and again in Normandy, and, during his absence there, was, in 1418 or early in 1419, elected K.G. In 1421-22 he was Capt. of Harfleur, and subsequently Treasurer of the Household to Henry V. He was P.C. and Chamberlain to Henry VI, and on 13 Nov. 1437 is thought by some to have been cr. a Baron, as after 1385/6, it is stated that he was 16 on Friday after St. Thomas the Apostle last [22 Dec] (Sussex): 16 on 30 Dec. last (Surrey) : 17 and more (Lincoln, Notts, Derby): 18 on 25 Dec. last (Leicester). Pursuant to a further writ, 25 Oct. 13 Ric. II, it was found (Essex) that he was 20 on 4 Jan. last, /. e. 1389/90. {ex inform. G.W. Watson). V.G. (") His estates were then declared to be forfeited as from 6 May 1405. In Patent Roll, II Aug. 1405, the wife of Thomas, late Lord of Bardolf appears in print as Amice, and, in Patent Roll 26 Apr. 1407, the name is printed jivice ; possibly the correct form is Awice. For some discussion on mediaeval english names see vol. iii. Appendix C. V.G. C*) " Thomas Bardolf chivaler. " Writs of diem. cl. ext., 30 May 9 Hen. IV. Inq., Herts, Sussex, Oxon, Leicester, Notts, 17 Sep. to 3 Nov. 1408. "Thomas Bardolf chivaler obiit die dominica proxima post festum sancti Valentini ultimo preterito [19 Feb.]." [Ch. Inq. p.m., Hen. IV, file 67, no. 31). The date of the battle was xi kal. Martii [T. IVahingham, vol. ii, p. 278; Otterbourne, p. 263). Ramsay, Lan- caster and York, vol. i, p. 1 1 3, misconstruing Otterbourne, places the battle on the Monday, [ex inform. G. W. Watson). V.G. (^') The order to give up his head and quarters to his widow Anice for burial, is dated 13 Apr. 1408. V.G. (*) By letters patent 19 July 1408, the reversion of the manors of Wormegay, Bradwell, Birling, and others in Norfolk, Suffolk and Sussex (which had been granted to divers people for life), with the remaining portions of the forfeited lands, were confirmed to Sir William Clifford, Knt., and Anne his wife, and to William Phelipp and Joan his wife, for their lives and the life of the longest liver, with rem. to the heirs of their bodies and reversion in default thereof to the King. Of these two daughters and coheirs of the attainted Lord, Anne, the elder, who was b. 24 June 1389, and bap. at Tattershall, m., 2ndly, (as 2nd wife) Reynold (Cobham), Lord Cobham, and d. s.p. 6 Nov. 1453.