Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/471

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BARGANY COMPLETE PEERAGE 421 this date he is sometimes described as William Phelip, LORD BARDOLF.C) His name, however, does not appear on the list of PeersC') sum. to Pari. 26 Sep. 1439. He d. s.p.m., 6 June 1441, (") when any Peerage, if cr. by- patent, would have become extinct. He was bur., under a sumptuous monument, at Bennington. Will, dat. i Dec. 1438 to 30 May 1441, describing himself as Dominus Bardolff, pr. 28 June 1441 at Lambeth. His widow, who was b. and bap. 1 1 Nov. 1390, at Tattershall Castle, co. Lincoln, d. 12 Mar. 1446/7, and was bur. with her husband. {^) Will dat. 11 Mar. to 7 Sep. 1446, pr. 3 Apr. 1447 at Norwich. BARFLEURf) i.e. "Barfleur, " N%coxxX.zj (Rmsell), cr. 1697, with the Earldom of Oxford, which see ; extinct 1727. BARGANY OR BARGENY BARONY [S.] I. Sir John Hamilton, of Bargeny, co. Ayr, s. and h. . , of Sir John H., of the same (who d. about 1638), by

  • '41- Jean, da. of Alexander Campbell, Bishop of Brechin,

(which Sir John was an illegitimate but legitimated s. of John, ist Marquess (") See ante, p. 417, note "a", yet in the Patent Rolls, 4 Mar. 1437/8, and 14 Apr. 1440, he is called simply " Wil. Phelip knight. " V.G. (") It is not clear why Stapleton should describe this list as " apparently imper- fect " for practically the same number of lay peers were sum. to this and the two preceding Paris. Q "Willelmus Phelip miles." Writs of diem cl. ext. 16 June 19 Hen. VI. Inq., Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincoln, Sussex, Oxon, Derby, Notts, Leicester, Cambridge, Herts, 30 Oct. to 4 Nov. 144 1. The jurors (all ten cos.) say "quod predictus Willelmus Phelip obiit sexto die Junii ultimo preterite. Et dicunt quod Henricus filius Johannis Vicecomitis Beaumont et Elizabethe nuper uxoris ejus filie predicti Willelmi Phelip et Johanne est consanguineus et heres ejusdem Willelmi Phelip propinquior et etatis septem annorum et amplius. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 103, no. 30). {ex inform. G.W. Watson). V.G. C) The representation of any Barony in fee which might have been acquired (de novo) by her husband, but not that of the old Barony of Bardolf, vested on her death in the s. and h. of her only da. and h. Elizabeth, wife of John (Beaumont), 1st Viscount Beaumont, which Elizabeth d. before 30 Oct. 1441. This s. and h. was William Beaumont, afterwards (1460) 2nd Viscount Beaumont, who, as early as 1448, and when but a boy, is styled, v.p., in the Charter Roll, 8 Nov. 1448, dominus de Bardolf, and who d. s.p. 1507, being called ' Viscount Beaumont and horde Bardolfe ' on his tomb in Wivenhoe church, Essex, and elsewhere. It was not, however, till the death, 6 Nov. 1453, of Anne, Lady Cobham, the elder sister of his mother, that he represented the entirety of this Barony. The representatives, in 1910, are (i) the 2 daughters and coheirs of the 1 0th Lord Beaumont and (2) the Earl of Abingdon, between whom any Barony of Bardolf, that may be held to have been cr. in 1299, is (subject to the attainder) in abeyance. (') For a list of names of peerages taken from places abroad, see vol. iii. Appendix E.