Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/477

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BARNEWALL COMPLETE PEERAGE 427 {d. II Nov. 1789, aged 51), s. of the Hon. Morgan Vane, of Bilby Hall afsd. (d. 14 Nov. 1779, 3ged 73), who was yr. br. of the ist Earl of Darlington, both being sons of the 2nd Baron Barnard. He was b. 10 May 1854 ; ed. at Eton, and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1876 ; Barrister (Inner Temple) 1879. His right to the Peerage was allowed (") by the Committee for Privileges, 30 May 1892. He m., 28 June 188 i, at St. Thomas's, Portman Sq., Catherine Sarah, 3rd surv. da. of William Alleyne (Cecil), 3rd Marquess of Exeter, by Georgiana, da. of Thomas (Pakenham), Earl of Longford [I.]. She was b. 8 Apr. 1861. Family Estates. — The ' Raby estates, ' devised to him by the Duke of Cleveland, were in the counties of Durham, Northampton, Salop, Stafford and Middlesex. In 1883, that Duke held 55,837 acres in co. Durham ; 25,604 in Salop ; and 3,482 in co. Northampton. Total, 84,923 acres, worth ^^67,0 1 4, besides an unknown quantity in co. Stafford, worth £2^97° a year. Principal Seat. — Raby Castle, near Darlington, co. Durham. [Henry Cecil Vane, ist s. and h., b. 1882. A.D.C. to Lord Ampt- hill, Governor Gen. of Madras.] BARNARD'S CASTLE See " Barnard of Barnard's Castle, in the Bishopric of Durham, " Barony (Vane), cr. 1698. i.e., " Barnard of Barnard's Castle, co. Durham, " Viscountcy (Fane), cr. 1754, with the Earldom of Darlington, which see ; extinct (with the Dukedom of Cleveland), 1891. BARNEWALL OF TRIMLESTON see TRIMLESTON BARNEWALL OF KINGSLAND VISCOUNTCY [I.]. I. Nicholas Barnewall, s. and h. of Sir Patrick If-/: B-> of Turvey, Gracedieu, and Fieldston, co. Dublin, ^ ' by Mary, da. of Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Knight Marechal [I.], b. 1592, was 30 years old at the time of his father's death, II Jan. 1621/2. He was ed. at Douay, Dec. 1600. M.P. for co. Dublin (") The claim was resisted by Capt. Francis Forester, of Croom, co. Limerick, great nephew of the late Duke, to some of whose estates he would have sue. if the right to the Peerage had been disallowed. The grounds were the illegitimacy of claimant's father, who was b. 29 Nov. 1808, at Brigg, co. Lincoln, but it was proved (by the evidence of Miss Nicholson, maternal aunt of the said child) that the parents ' who had previously misconducted themselves, ' were married at Louth, the 13th of June previous to such birth.