Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/478

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428 COMPLETE PEERAGE barnewall 1634-35, and 1639-46. Having, though a Rom. Cath., adhered to the English interest, for his own loyalty and that of his then eldest surv. s., Col. Patrick B., Col. of a troop of Horse in the English service (who is specially named in the patent, but who d. v.p.y and s.p.), he was cr. 29 June 1646 (the privy seal dat. 12 Sep. 1645 at Ragland), BARON OF TURVEY and VIS- COUNT BARNEWALL OF KINGSLAND [in the parish of Donabate] CO. Dublin [!.].(") In June 1654 he was in prison, being charged with complicity in a plot against the Lord Protector, by whom his property had been sequestrated, it being afterwards restored to him in 1660. He m., in 1617, before 7 July, Bridget, widow of Roderick (O'Donnell), ist Earl OF Tyrconnell [I.], 1st da. and coh. of Henry (Fitz Gerald), Earl of KiLDARE [I.], by Frances, 2nd da. of Charles (Howard), Earl of Nott- ingham. She was living in 1661. He d. at Turvey, 20 Aug., and was bur. 3 Sep. 1663, in the church of Luske, aged 91. Will, without date, pr. II Sep. 1663, Prerog. Court [I.]. II. 1663. 2. Henry (Barnewall), Viscount Barnewall of KiNGSLAND, i^c. [I.], 3rd, but ist surv. s. and h. On 17 May 1 67 1, he had a release of the quit rents which had been imposed by the acts of settlement, and in 1685 had a grant of lands under the Act of Grace. He m., istly, in 1661, Mary, ist da. of John (Netterville), 2nd Viscount Netterville [I.], by Elizabeth, ist da. of Richard (Weston), Earl of Portland, Lord High Treasurer [E.]. She d. s.p.m., 28 Oct. 1663, and was bur. at Luske afsd. He m., 2ndly, 11 Dec. (marr. settl. 29 Nov.) 1664, Mary, ist da. of Richard (Nugent), ist Earl of West- meath [I.], by Jane, da. of Christopher (Plunkett), Lord Killeen [I.]. She, who was b. 21 Feb. 1648, d. 25 June 1680, and was bur. at Luske. He d. I, and was bur. 3 June 1688. Will, without date, pr. Prerog. Court [I.] 1 69 1, and at Dublin, by order of the Court, 14 Oct. 1693. III. 1688. 3. Nicholas (Barnewall), Viscount Barnewall of Kingsland, <yc. [I.], s. and h. by his 2nd wife. He was b. 15 Apr. 1668. He sat in King James's Pari. [I.] in May 1689. (") He ?«., 15 May 1688, Mary, 3rd and yst. da. and coh. of Sir George Hamilton (Comte Hamilton and Marechal du Camp in France), by Frances, subsequently Duchess of Tyrconnell [1.], C) da. and coh. of Richard Jennings, of Sandridge, Herts. With her he received a portion of j/^3000, and soon afterwards sue. to estates worth ;{[3,500 a year. He served in Lord Limerick's Dragoons, 1688, on behalf of James II, and was consequently outlawed, but being comprehended in the treaty of Limerick this outlawry was reversed. () He delivered his writ ot sum- mons, 28 Oct. 1692, to the House, but refusing to subscribe according to (*) Copy of the preamble of the patent is in Lodge, vol. v, p. 49. C") For a list of the Irish peers present in, and absent from, that Pari., see vol. ill, Appendix D. (') See note suh Tyrconnel, and ante, p. 41 5, notes " a " and " b. " C*) See Lords' "Journah [I.], vol. i, p. 675.