Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/489

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BARRY COMPLETE PEERAGE 439 He apparently it was who, as " William Lord Barry, Esquire " signed a public testimonial dat. 9 Jan. (1442/3) 21 Hen. VI. (") He had a grant from Edward IV, 8 Nov. 146 1, of 20 marks a year for life out of the customs of Cork, under the style of Dominus de Barry. He m. Ellen, da. of Lord Roche [I.]. He d. about 1480. IX. 1480. 9. John (Barry), () Lord Barry, Barrymore, or BuTTEVANT [I.], Called baccagh, [i.e. the lame], s. and h. He m., istly, ( — ), by whom he had an only s. He ;«., 2ndly, Sheely, da. of MacCartie Reach, by whom he had seven sons. He was slain on Christmas day i486, by Donogh oge MacCartie, lord of Ealla, against whom he had gone on a predatory expedition. (°) X. i486. 10. Thomas (Barry), C") Lord Barry, Barrymore, or Buttevant [I.], s. and h. by ist wife. On 27 June 1488, he took the oath of allegiance to the King's Commissioner in Ireland. He d. s.p. soon after. XI. 1488 ^ II. William (Barry), Lord Barry, Barrymore, or Buttevant [I.], br. and h., being ist s. and h. of John baccagh, by his 2nd wife. He was one of the fifteen Irish Peers sum. to Greenwich by Henry VII in 1489, being ranked as Premier Baron, "Lord Barre de Buttevant," next immediately after the Earls. (^) He also sat in the Pari. [I.] in 149 1. He m. Sheely, da. of Cormac Mac-Teig MacCartie, of Muskerry. He d. 1500, being slain by his br. David, Archdeacon of Cork. XII. 1500. 12. John (Barry), Lord Barry, Barrrymore, or Buttevant [I.], s. and h. In 1520 he took the oath of allegiance as Lord Barry before the King's Commissioners. He d. s.p., circa 1530, being slain at Ballynecranagh, by Thomas, Earl of Desmond. XIII. 1530. 13. John Fitz John (Barry), Lord Barry, Barry- more, or Buttevant, [I.], called reogh [i.e. the striped], uncle and h., being 2nd s. of John baccagh, by his 2nd wife. He m. Ellen, da. of Fitz Gibbon, the White Knight. He d. circa 1534. XIV. 1534 ? 14 and i. John Fitz John (Barry), Lord Barry, -iTTcrr^TTKiTrv rr i Barrymore, or Buttevant, [I.], called Bowkragh, (^) VlbLOUNlCY Ll.J ^_ ^^^^ j^_^ ^_ ^^^^ ^^ 1518.C) He sat in the Pari. (") See Carew Papers, vol. vi, p. 461. {ex inform. J. H. Round, to whom G.E.C. was indebted for much information and for many suggestions and emendations in this article.) (*") See note " e " on previous page. i^) Annals of the Four Masters. C") See Appendix A in this volume. (^) The translation of this word is doubtful, but it probably means " fostered by the Bowlers, " i.e. the Bowler family of Kerry, {ex inform. M.J.McEnery.) V.G. (') Steven ap Parry writes to Cromwell, 6 Oct. 1535, " moreover there