Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/490

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440 I. 1 541 COMPLETE PEERAGE BARRY [I.] in June 1541 (") as Premier Viscount as " Dns Barry, Vic. Barry, " being the first of his family who sat under this designation. There appears never to have been any creation of this Viscountcy, which seems to have been simply assumed. C") In 1542 he, with other Irish magnates, entered into an indenture of alle- giance &'c., with the Lord Deputy [I.] as " the Lord Barre, a/ias the Great Barry. " C) He m., istly, Ellen, da. of Lord Roche, and 2ndly, ( — ), da. of Gerald Fitz John Fitzgerald, of the Decies, co. Waterford. He d. s.p., between May and Nov. 1553. () VISCOUNTCY [I.] II. BARONY [I.] XV. ^1553- 2 and 15. Edmond (Barry), Viscount Barry, Barrymore, or Buttevant &"., [I.], br. and h., being 2nd s. of John reogh. He styles himself " Edmond Lord Barry- mor " in a memorandum dated 28 Nov, ^SSi- C) -H^ '^ ^^^'^ '^o have entailed his lands, in default of issue male of himself and his brother, on James Barry fitz Richard, who eventually became Viscount Buttevant. He m., istly, Joan, da. of James (Fitz Gerald), Earl of Desmond. She left him, and d. 1600. He m., 2ndly, while his 1st wife was living, Sheely, da. of Donal MacCartie Reach. He d. s.p., about 1556. VISCOUNTCY [I.] III. BARONY [I.] XVI. 3 and 16. James Fitz John (Barry), Viscount Barry, Barrymore, or Butte- ^ p VANT, yc. [1.], br. and h., being 3rd s. of ■^-* ■ John reogh. He executed a deed, 9 Feb. 1556/7, whereby he settled his estates of Buttevant, Olethan, fsPc, on himself and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to James Fitz Richard Barry roe [i.e. red]. Lord of Ibawne, and his heirs male, with similar rem. to Richard fitz David Barry, and to David Fitz came in to my lord James [Butler] one called Lord Barrowe, who can speak very good English and is not more than 1 7 or 18 years old. He is a great inheritor." {Cal. State Papers [I.]), {ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. (") "In the Pari., 1541, wherein Henry VIII was declared King of Ireland, there were present, the Earls of Ormond and Desmond, the Lord Barry, McGilla Phadrig, Chieftain of Ossory, the sons of O'Bryan, MacCarthy More, with many Irish Lords. " (MS. in Trin. Coll., Dublin). C") See Appendix A in this vol., and for a similar case see suh Fermoy. V.G. {^) The Mayor of Cork, writing to the Lord Deputy in 1548, styles him " Lord Barrymore. " {ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. C) Sir Thomas Cusack writes to the Duke of Northumberland, 8 May 1553, "... the lords and captains of those countries as the Earl of Desmond, the Fiscount Barrie, the Lord Roche, the Lord Fitz Morris and divers other... beeth now in the commission with the justices of the Peace to hear and determine causes. " {Cal. Carew MSS.) This may refer to his successor, {ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. (") Roche Papers ; Smith's Hist, of Cork, {ex inform. G.D. Burtchaeli.) V.G.