Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/491

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BARRY COMPLETE PEERAGE 441 David Barry roe, ^c. He m., istly, Ellis, da. of Maurice Fitz Gerald, of the Shean, co. Waterford. She d. s.p. He m., 2ndly, Ellen, da. of Teig Mac-Cormac oge MacCartie, of Muskerry. He d. s.p.m., (") 20 Mar. iSSjI^- C) ^'s widow m. (as his 2nd wife) John (Power), 3rd Lord le Power [1.], who d. 8 Nov. 1592. VISCOUNTCY [I.] IV. BARONY [I.] XVII. I. James Fitz Richard (Barry roe), Viscount Barry, Barrymore, or Butte- „ VANT, &'c. [I.], cousin, but not h. male, ^^ ■ being ist s. of Richard Barry of the Rath, which Richard was ist s. (but illegit. according to a decision of the spiritual court) of James Barry roe, which James was s. of Richard, s. of James, s. of Laurence ist Barry roe, s. of William fitz David Barry called moyle [i.e. bald], of Ibawne, which William was a yr s. of David Barry the 3rd Lord. {") In consequence of the illegiti- macy of his father, Ibawne and the chieftainship of Barry roe passed to the sons of his grandfather's 2nd marriage. To secure the lordship of Ibawne and make himself Barry roe he is said to have murdered his cousins Redmond and John. Their brothers Richard and David fled to the Earl of Desmond, and were apparently living at the date of the entail of 1557 ; but he is said to have procured them also to be made away with. On 28 Apr. 1558 he had a pardon as James Barry of Barrescourt Viscount Barrymore otherwise James called Barrymore and Barryroe. He was sum. to the Pari. [I.] which met 12 Jan. 1559/60, where he sat next after the Earls as Jacobus le Barry Dns. de Buttevant. By indenture dated 18 Mar. 15 60/1, he, as " James Barrie Lord Barrie mor and Barrie roe," obtained from Edmond Barry of Rathgobbane, the rightful heir to the Peerage C') a surrender of the estates to him and his heirs for ever. On 27 Apr. of that year he had livery of these lands as "James Barry, Viscount Barrymore, kinsman and h. of James late Lord, " the Crown thus apparently finally acquiescing in his succession to the title as well as to the C) By her he had an only da., Catherine, who w. Richard, Lord le Power, who began a suit against David, Lord Barry, for the whole lordship in right of his wife. " The Queen, to avoid contention, persuaded that the Lord Barry's son should marry the Lord Power's da. " [Cal. Carew MSS., vol. v, p. 391.) {ex inform. G.D. Burt- chaell.) V.G. C) On his death the title of Lord Barry, Barrymore, or Buttevant, should have passed to his h. male, viz. Edmond inore Barry of Rathgobbane, co. Cork, eldest surv. s. of Gerrot, 2nd s. of Richard Barry, 2nd s. of John kittagh, but under the entail made by him the estates passed to James Fitz Richard Barry Roe, the 4th Viscount as in the text, [ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. ('■) In the pedigrees in the Carew MSS., William moyle is represented as a brother of John kittagh, but the Rev. E. Barry has demonstrated that he must have been grand-uncle, not brother, to the latter, {ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. (") Edmond Barry of Rathgobbane was sue. by his s., Robert Barry, living 1573, whose s., William, was living, blind and landless, in 16 1 7. David, 3rd s., and James, 4th s., of John kittagh, had numerous descendants, {ex inform. G.D.Burtchaell.) V.G. 57