Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/546

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APPENDIX H AMUSEMENTS OF MEN OF FASHION IN 1782 In the Morning Herald of 6 Aug. 1782, is "one of those little bits of information which Historians like, and know how to make use of." — See N. and Q., 7th Sen, vol. i, p. 45, where it is reprinted. This relates to the best known characters of that period (1782), and is entitled "Amuse- ments that ye following Men of Fashion principally delight in." Alphabet- ically arranged, these fashionable gentlemen are as under: — Abingdon, Earl of Aylesford, Earl of Berkeley, Earl of

  • Bessborough, Earl of [I.]

Buckinghamshire, Earl of . Camden, Lord (cr. in 1786 Earl Camden) Cornwallis, Earl Cumberland, Duke of . Dartmouth, Earl of . Devonshire, Duke of . Dorset, Duke of Draper, Sir William (K.B., 1765; Lieut Gen.; d. 8 Jan. 1787) Effingham, Earl of . . A dirty scirt Egmont, Earl of [I.] . Egremont, Earl of .... . Fox, Mr. (The Right Hon. Charles James, d. 15 Sep. 1806, aged 57) ..... Grosvenor, Lord (cr. in 1784 Earl Grosvenor) Hamilton, " Lord " (Qy. Duke of [S.]) Hillsborough, Earl of (cr. in 1789 Marquess of Downshire [I.]) ..... Howe, Viscount (cr. in 1788 Earl Howe) . Flute playing. Pistol shooting. Hare hunting. Virtu [vertu]. An old coat. Agriculture. Military glory. Fresh water. The tabernacle. Retirement. Cricket. Tennis. [i.e. shirt or skirt]. Fox hunting. Street riding. Popular tumult. The turf. Skaiting. A nap. Naval practice.

  • Had this list appeared in 1882 (in lieu of 1782) "cricket" would have taken

the place of " virtu."