Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/547

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APPENDIX H Keppel, Viscount ...... Lade, Sir John, Bart, (posthumous s. and h. of Sir John Lade, cr. a Bart, in 1758), i>. 1759, d. s.p. 10 Feb. 1838 Maiden, Lord {sue. in 1799 as Earl of Essex) Montfort, Lord ...... Norfolk, Duke of ..... North, Lord (afterwards, 1790, Earl of Guilford) Orford, Earl of Pembroke, Earl of . fRigby, Mr. (Richard Rigby, Sec. to the Duke of Bedford, when Lord Lieut. [I.]; Master of the Rolls [I.], 1 761; P.C; d. 8 Apr. 1788 at Bath . Sandwich, Earl of ..... . Townshend, Viscount (cr. in 1787 Marquess Townshend) ...... Westcote, Lord [1.] (cr. in 1794 Baron Lyttelton) Weymouth, Viscount (cr. in 1789 Marquess of Bath) Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, Bart, (of Wynn- stay, CO. Denbigh, sue. his father Sep. 1749, d. July 1789) ...... 497 A warm cot. Gig driving. Violoncello. Menageries. Toping. festive board. Coursing. The menage. Conviviality. Ancient music. Caricature. A parenthesis. Burgundy. Acting. AN ANONYMOUS SATIRE ON THE NOBILITY EARLY IN 1773 Specifying their faults and foibles, being an early instance of what in the twentieth century would be called a topical song. V.G. " You I love my dearest life. More than Georgey loves his wife; More than ministers to rule, More than North to play the fool, More than Camden to grimace, More than Barrington his place, More than Clive his black jagueer. More than Bute the Royal ear; More than patriots their price. More than Fox loves cards and dice. More than cits the Court to spite, More than Townshend not to fight, t Rigby, who was b. in 1722, held the lucrative office of Paymaster of the Forces from 1768 to 1781. His " blushing merit" [from wine] is alluded to by Junius. He is often mentioned in Wraxall's Memoln, and Horace Walpole speaks of his Essex seat, Mistley Hall, as " the charmingest place by nature, and the most trumpery by art that ever I saw."