Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/460

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444 BUTE the par. of St. Geo., Han. Sq., Charlotte Jane,(^) ist da. and coh., eventually sole h., of Herbert (Hickman-Windsor), Viscount Windsor of Black- castle [I.] and Baron Mountjoy, by Alice, da., and in her issue h., of Sir John Clavering, Bart. She, who was b. 7 May 1746, d. 28 Jan. 1800, in Hill Str., St. Geo., Han. Sq., suddenly, of apoplexy. Admon. Feb. 1 80 1. He m., 2ndly, 17 Sep. 1800, at her father's house, Stratton Str., St. Geo., Han. Sq., Frances, 2nd da. and coh. of Thomas Coutts, of the Strand, Midx., Banker, by his ist wife, Susan, C") da. of ( — ) Starkie, a Lancashire yeoman. The Marquess d. 16 Nov. 18 14, at Geneva,(') aged 70. Will pr. 1 8 15. His widow d. 12 Nov. 1832, at Dale Park, aged 59, and was bur. in the Bute vault at Cardiff Castle. Will pr. Dec. 1832. [John Stuart, .j/yZ?^ Viscount Mount-Stuart (^), s. and h. ap., by ist wife, b. 25 Sep. 1767. M.P. (Tory) for Cardiff, 1790-94; Lord Lieut, of CO. Glamorgan, 1793-94. He w., 12 Oct. 1792, at Dumfries House, Elizabeth Penelope, only surv. da. of Patrick (Mackdowal-Crichton), Earl of Dumfries [S.], by Margaret, da. of Ronald Crauford, of Restalrig, CO. Edinburgh. He d. v.p., 22 Jan. 1794, in his 27th year, at Bassing- bourn Hall, through a fall from his horse, and was bur. at Stanton Rivers, Essex. Admon. Feb. 1794. His widow, who was b. 25 Nov. 1772, at Dumfries House, d. v. p., at Southampton, 25 July, and was bur. 16 Aug. 1797, in her 25th year, at Cumnock. Will pr. Oct. 1797.] MARQUESSATE. n. EARLDOM [S.] V. 2 and 5. John (Crichton-Stuart), Mar- quess OF Bute, Cffc. ; also Earl of Dumfries, Earl of BuTE,iyc. [S.], grandson and h., being 1 8 14. s. and h. of John Stuart, styled Viscount Mount-Stuart ('^) and Elizabeth Penelope his wife abovenamed. He was b. 10 Aug. 1793, and on 7 Apr. 1803 sue. his maternal grandfather as EARL OF DUMFRIES, VISCOUNT AIR, LORD CRICHTON, ^c. [S.]. On 26 Aug. 1805 he took, by Royal lie, the name of Crichton before that of Stuart. Ed. at Eton, and at Christ's Coll., Cambridge; M.A. 18 12. Lord Lieut, of cos. Bute and Glamorgan, 1815 till his death; F.R.S. 8 Jan. 1818; D.C.L., Oxford, 10 June, 1834; LL.D. (') "Lord Mountstuart [is married] to a rich ugly Miss Windsor. Lord Beauchamp is going to marry the second Miss Windsor. It is odd that those two ugly girls, though such great fortunes, should get the two best figures in England." (Horace Walpole, Letters, Nov. — Dec. 1766). V.G. (*) She was Thomas's brother's servant. V.G. (') Lady Sarah Lennox writes of him in 1766, "Lord Mount Stuart is tall, well made, and very handsome; he is sensible, and 'tis the fashion to cry him up; I think he is very conceited, and seems to me very proud and vain, but yet is very well bred, and does vastly well for a beau." V.G. C*) See note "f" on previous page.