Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/396

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376 COLLINGWOOD the Spanish main, where, from the effects of the climate, out "of i,8oo men who were sent at different times on this expedition, only 300 ever returned." (') He distinguished himself on i June 1794, at the engage- ment off Ushant, and again on 14 Feb. 1797, receiving a gold medal for each; Rear Adm., 1799, Vice Adm., 1804; he led the lee line at the battle of Trafalgar, 2 1 Oct. 1 805, where, by Nelson's death, he became the chief in command. His services were recognised by his being cr., 20 Oct. 1 805, BARON COLLINGWOOD OF COLDBURNE AND HETHPOOLE, Northumberland, with a pension of £2^000 a year for his own life, to be continued on his death as ^1,000 for that of his wife, and ;^500 for each of his two daughters' lives. He received also the thanks of Pari. He was Com. in Chief of the Mediterranean fleet 1805 till his death; Major Gen. of Marines 1809-10. He w., 16 June 1791, at St. Nicholas's, Newcastle- on-Tyne, Sarah, da. and coh. of John Erasmus Blackett, Alderman of Newcastle-on-Tyne, by Sarah, da. and coh. of Robert Roddam, of Hethpoole, Northumberland. He d. s.p.m., of" stoppage of the pylorus," 7 Mar. 1 8 10, aged 59, on board his flagship, the Ville de Paris, off Minorca, when his Peerage became extinct. After lying in state in Greenwich Hospital, he was /?ur. in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, by the side of Nelson. M.L there.C") Will pr. May 18 10. His widow d. 17 Sep. 18 19, at Tynemouth. Will pr. Nov. 1819. COLLON i.e. "Oriel of Collon, co. Louth," Barony [L] (Foster), cr. 1790; see " Ferrard," Viscountcy [L], cr. 1797. COLONSAY OF COLONSAY AND ORONSAY BARONY. Duncan McNeill, 2nd s. of John McN., of Colonsay and Oronsay, Argyll, by Hester, da. of Duncan McNeill, L 1867 of Dunmore, was b. at Colonsay, Aug. 1793; ed. at the to Univ. of St. Andrew's, and at Edinburgh; Advocate [S.], 1874. 1816; a junior Counsel for the Crown, 1820-24; Sheriff of Perthshire, 1824-34; Solicitor Gen. [S.] from Nov. 1834 (*) Annual Register, i8lO, where it is stated that his relation, "the late E. Collingwood, Esq., left him his estate, worth about ;^2,ooo [a year?] besides a hand- some library," and that " with this addition it is presumed that his Lordship possessed a very ample fortune." C>) " As a Captain or an Admiral where he had Nelson's example or instruction he did splendidly ; where Nelson's influence was wanting, he won no especial distinction ; and, after Nelson's death, as Com. in Chief he did at most no better than scores of other respectable mediocrities who have held high command." To speak of him " who never commanded-in-chief before the enemy as a tactician worthy of being named along with the Victor of the Nile, at Copenhagen, and at Trafalgar, is simply a misuse of language." {Diet. Nat. Biog.). G.E.C. " A man just, conscientious, highly