Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/397

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COLONSAY 377 to Apr. 1835, ^"'^ again from Sep. 1841 to Oct. 1842; Lord Advocate [S.] 1842-46; M.P. (Conservative) for Argyllshire, 1843-51; Dean of the Faculty [S.], 1843-51; a Lord of Session (under the designation of Lord Colonsay), May 1851 to May 1852; Lord Justiciary 1851-52; Lord Justice Gen. and President of the Court of Session [S.], May 1852 to 1867. P.C. 8 Aug. 1853. On his retirement from the Bench, he, as "The Rt. Hon. Duncan McNeill, late Lord Justice General and President of the Court of Session in Scotland," was cr., 26 Feb. 1867 (on the recommendation of Lord Derby), BARON COLONSAY OF COLONSAY AND ORONSAY, Arg}-ll. He had previously purchased the estates of Colonsay and Oronsay from his eldest brother. He d. unm., 31 Jan. 1874, aged 80, at Pau, in the south of France, when his Peerage became extinct. COLOONY See "CooTE of Coloony, co. Sligo," Barony [L] {Coote), cr. 1660; extinct 1 800. COLUMBIERS or COLUMBERS(') I. John de ColumbierSjC") 2nd s.('=) but eventually h. of Philip DE CoLUMBiERS, of Nether Stowey, Somerset, i^c. (who d. shortly before 12 July I2 62),('^)by Egeline,da.ofRobert de CouRTENAY,of Okehampton, Devon. He was aged 22 and more, or 23, at the death of his elder br., Philip, when, having done homage, he had livery of his inheritance, 26 Apr. 1277. (^) He was sum. for Military Service 15 May (1297) 25 Edw. I to trained and efficient, but self-centred, rigid, uncommunicative." (Mahan's Life of Nelion). He appears never to have taken his seat in the House of Lords, but to have been afloat continuously from his creation as a peer till his death. So far as he had any politics they are believed to have been Whig. V.G. (*) This article has been kindly contributed by G. W. Watson. V.G. (*") The arms quartered for Columbiers are, Gules, a bend Or, a label Argent. The name is derived from Columbieres, near Bayeux. Philip de Columbieres, Seigneur of that place in 1273, was s. and h. of Henry de Columbieres (dead 1264), s. and h. of Hugh de Longchamp, by Georgie (living 1253), ^^- ^^^ h. of Henry, yr. br. of Philip de Columbieres II mentioned below. {Norman Exch. Roll, 1 195, m. i; Pipe Roll, 5 Joh., m. 4; D'Anisy, Extr. des Charles; i^c). C^) His elder br., Philip V, d. shortly before 1 7 Apr. 1277. {Fine Roll, 5 Edw. I, pars 1, m. 18: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 16, no. 14). (d) Writ of diem cl. ext. 12 July 46 Hen. Ill {Fine Roll, m. 8): Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. Ill, file 26, no. 10. This Philip IV was s. and h. of Philip III (who d. shortly before I June 1257), s. and h. of Philip II {b. 1 168, m. Cicely, lost his lands in Nor- mandy in 1204, dead 1217), s. and h. of Philip I (dead n86), by Maud de Candos (aged 40 in 1 1 86, living 12 13): which Maud was h. of Walter de Candos s. and h. of Robert de Candos, by Isabel, h. of Alvred de Hispania (probably Epaigne near Pont Audemer, or Epanay near Falaise), the Domesday lord of Nether Stowey. («) Fine Roll, 5 Edw. I, pars I, m. 16. 48